Chapter 11. . :)

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J-J's P.O.V

My dad and I didn't get home till 2 in the morning, After our dinner we went to Marcus's house for coffee they were talking about surgery and doctor stuff so I went in to the lounge to watch some rugby while I waited for them to stop talking.

My dad met Marcus at University , obviously they both studied to be doctors, Marcus is a medical doctor and my dad is the surgeon, even thou they where in the same classes my dad is like 15 years older then Marcus. Marcus went straight to Uni after High School and my dad was sick of being a builder so he left the work force to get the job he always dreamed of. He always use to teach me to be humble and he knew if he became a surgeon we would be rich so he said not to let the money get to my head, I follow those words all the time.

The whole night they would talk to me I would just mumble the answer I thought was right, my head was all the way in the clouds with Kaia, I missed her so much, I didn't even get so much as a text, I was really expecting one especially after that sweet sweet kiss we had shared in our class, In my opinion I think she regrets it, even thou she said she didn't.

My dad is on call today so he was home when I woke up, but he was in the gym, so I let him do his thing while I ate some Cocopops, I got a text from the boys saying they were going to be over in ten minutes to pick me up for school, so I went and grabbed my house keys and my school stuff.

I went in to the gym to say goodbye to my dad when I got a text from Kaia asking if I wanted to go to school with her today.

Kaia: Morning Beautiful do you want to come with to school today?

Me: sure, but what made you think I wasn't driving the twins?

Kaia: I went for a run and I saw your care in the Garage I run past, What happened to your car YOU WEREN'T IN A CRASH WERE YOU?

Me: No I'm fine its just in there for a check up, because Rick , , well its a long story.

Kaia: Great so we have something to talk about on the way to class.

Me: Yeah I guess so.

Kaia: What's wrong?

Me: Nothing I'm fine just a bit tired.

Kaia: OK you can come over and wait if you want?

Me: Sure I'll be over soon.

Kaia: Good, see you soon Beautiful. xo

Me: You to. . :)

I text Nick to tell him that Dad was dropping off so go straight to school, they didn't really mind.

When he text me back I went next door to Kaia's house.

I knocked at the door and man I swear I was staring at an angel.

Kaia was wearing a beautiful white dress that flowed down to her knees and it still looked professional enough for a teacher to wear to a normal day of work.

Kaia: Morning would you like a coffee? We have plenty of time before class starts.

Me: Sure thank you.

as I followed her to the kitchen she asked how I took it.

Kaia: How do you take it?

Me: Milk, two sugars please.

Kaia: hey Just like me.

Me: Cool.

Kaia: Oh and I want to give you something.

Me: You didn't hav. . . .

I Didn't even get to finish what I was saying because her lips were plastered to mine. It took me a little while to kiss back but when I did It was amazing, then I felt her tongue lick my bottom lip so I opened my mouth eagerly letting her explore my mouth and mine with hers , our tongues started fighting for dominance and I won then I pulled away for air, Kaia started trailing kisses down my neck, she started sucking on my collar bone and before I could stop her she had put a damn Hickey in that same spot, She kissed it and went to finish our coffees, I was just standing like an idiot trying to figure out what I was gonna tell the twins and Especially Rocco who I got it from, What am I suppose to say to Rick, Oh Bro I got it from the teacher you really like? I don't think so.

while I was standing there looking like a complete egg I heard Kaia speak.

Kaia: What are thinking so hard about, your face is all scrunched up?

Me: Well if the twins see this they will want to know who its from, and Rocco will want to beat the crap out of that person as well?

Kaia: Why?

Me: The Twins are like my big brothers, and Rocco was my First everything and I was his then we broke up and he still hasn't let me go yet.

Me: So what am I going to say, its not that easy to cover, look how dark it is?

Kaia: Just tell them you met someone and I hope you tell Rocco your taken.

Me: What why?

Kaia: Oh I've been meaning to ask you something . . . . Will you be my Girlfriend?

Me: I would love that but your my teacher, what if someone found out and blackmailed us or even took it to the police?

Kaia: no one has to know and and the worst that could happen is I could lose my job for you being my student, but because your 19 your not underage.

Me: I can't let you lose your job because of me.

Kaia: No one will find out.

Me: How can you be sure?

Kaia: I can't but all I want to do is be with you J-J.

Me: Really?

Kaia: Yes Really, so what do you say?

Me: It would be my Pleasure being your secret Girlfriend.

Kaia: Good.

She somehow picked me up and spun me around and we shared another kiss just the kiss we had only 7 minutes ago.

I Love you J-J.

I Love You to Kaia. . :)

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Love Koha/Justey. . :)

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