Chapter 7. . :)

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  • Dedicated to Kimiorangi Thompson

J-J's P.O.V

When we got back to my house we all went to bed, the boys slept down stairs and the girls all slept in my room. As soon as our heads hit the pillows I couldn't fight my eyelids to stay open anymore so I told the girls to leave the gossip for the next day. I got a few groans but that was it I fell asleep.

The music is pumping and I'm dancing up a storm, the lights are flashing a whole lot of different colours and i defiantly know I have drunk a bit to much, but I didn't care I just want to have a great time, so far I am.

The guy I was dancing with, dragged me down a hallway and this is when I knew I wasn't in a club but I swear I was, I didn't know where we were going he took me in to a room and pushed me on the bed. The only light in the room was the gentle shimmer of the moon glowing through the window to my Left.

because of how hard he pushed me to the bed I got a bit dazed and confused, I would like to thank the Alcohol for that, note my sarcasm. When my head stopped spinning and I could finally feel all of my Senses coming back to me, he was hovering over me, telling me that this was going to be the best thing that is ever going to happen to me, that's when his hand started traveling up my thigh and under the leopard print dress that Kaia got for me.

For some reason I could see him and hear him and feel him but I couldn't scream I couldn't shout and I couldn't even move, I was just lying there, every time he would touch me I wanted to puke but because I wasn't stopping him he kept going, as soon as he reached my underwear some how a scream left my lips and I knew this because he back handed my face and told me to shut up, he tried to rip off my undies, just at he got a good grid on them he was yanked off me, I caught a glimpse of a beautyful Gold mask and a pair of beautiful rosy lips, all of a sudden my saviour's face disappeared and a bright light shone through the curtain of the room and that's when I realised that I was back in my room and the girls were in the same places they were in when we went to sleep.

I sat up in my bed and realised who my beautyful savior was in my dream and in the club, it was Kaia. I can't believe I didn't recognise those beautiful lips of hers when we were dancing in the club last night.

When i finally turned my attention to my friends sleeping off all of their hangovers Amy, Crystal and Rose were all on mattresses on the floor in my room cuddling, it looked like there were trying to keep warm but they had more blankets then Jaide and I and we both slept on my bed when we got home last night. 

Georgy and Rachael couldn't come last night Georgies grandparents were staying at hers and Rachael's family trip was this weekend so that's where she was .

When I turned to look at my clock on the bedside table it read 10 in the morning so I chose to seek out of my room and make my friends a huge breakfast because I know they will have the munchies and the dry horrors, just as I was about to close the door Jaide said something,

Jaide: Just ask her out miss she really likes you.

I wondered where that came from but she could of just had an out of it dream so I pushed it out of my head for the time being.

when I walked past the lounge the three boys were all snoring like crazy it was so load I'm surprised that we couldn't hear them from my room. When I got in to the kitchen my dad was already in there cooking his famous pancakes and bacon and eggs. He had to cook alot because when the boys are hungover they eat so much, I'm the opposite I just sleep all day and then come dinnertime I'm up and ready to eat my dad out of house and home.

just as my dad was putting the last of the pancake mix in the pan The boys came strolling in I had set the table and put two jugs of water and two jugs of juice on the table, the boys basically fought over the same jug of water even thou there was two there but I just let them carry on, when my dad cleared his throat the boys all stopped and put the jug down my dad had his alpha male smirk on his face while he put the food down.

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