Chapter Two. . :)

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I told the girls what had just happened, between Kaia and I and they all couldn't believe what i was saying. "I cant like her,1) she's my teacher and 2) she's a SHE, this is so wrong guys, besides why would she like me, look at her she's way to good for me.

"no she's not Twinny your to good for her and who cares if she's a SHE?" Jaide replied " because i never looked at girls before now i thought i was in to guys, ask Rocco he sure knows, but that's a story for another day." " My Girl there's nothing wrong with liking girls OK we will still look at you the same way so don't worry." Amy replied.

"Guys i don't know what its gonna be like in class what if its awkward?" in my head I'm thinking I might just drop out of that class because i really hate awkward vibes it just makes me feel all, awkward, you know what i mean. They must of all read my mind or something because they all said at the same time " and don't even think about dropping out of the class!" I sighed and decided it was time to go home.

I lived with my dad he's a Surgeon so we are pretty well off, don't ask where my mother is because i have no idea, my dad told me that she left just after my first birthday and we hadn't heard from her since but i don't dwell on that because if i ever needed a mum i could always go to Julie who is nick and ricks mum. She is such a beautiful woman, I always use to wish she was my mum when the twins and i were younger so I used to call her mum and she would always answer with "yes Sweetie?" i have so much love for her.


12 years ago.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" i screamed as i fell off the swing. The little boy that was on the swings next to me ran and got his mum. When i heard a woman speak I looked up at her with tear filled eyes.

" hey sweetie where are your parents? i will go get them for you."

"M-My D-Daddy is at work and S-Sarah is at home, I sneaked out of our back door to come to the park."

" is Sarah your mum?" " no she's my babysitter" " Come on then sweetie i will take you home." a little boy came running over.

" mummy look what i found." he looked just like the boy sitting next to me. " hang on Nicky we have to take this little girl home, come on sweetie where do you live?"

" I cant get up, my leg is wearly sore." "Ricky go get your father." the pretty lady said.

" hey Jules what happened?" the man said. "oh who do we have here?"

" My names Jayde Jones mr Sir" "she falled off the swing Dad." the Ricky boy said.

"Roger can you please pick her up we need to take her home she's hurt her leg." " of course." and before i knew it i was off the ground in the Roger mans humongous arms.


i remember that day as if it were yesterday, that was the first day i met the twins and we have been inseparable ever since, we got to my house and Sarah didn't even know i was gone, Roger and Julie were worried about me so they put ice on my leg and waited for my father to get home and i never saw Sarah again, after that day till i was 14 when ever my dad was at work i was at their house kicking it with the twins. I love them so much.

After reminiscing on the old days I started cooking dinner for my dad and I. My dad is usually home late. He usually gets home just as I'm cleaning up so we share our days stories. "how was your day today Baba?" the first thing that comes in to my head is Kaia, i had just spent the last three hours without thinking about her, i was doing so well, thanks alot dad. I didn't tell him about it, i know he wouldn't care that she's a female he just wouldn't like that she is my teacher so i don't really know how to tell him, i will leave it for another day. "It was OK oh and the girls said hi and so did the boys as well, well you know what the twins are like." i had a little laugh and my dad joined in because he knew exactly what i meant.

once i finished the dishes I went to bed since i did my homework before i cooked dinner. The only thing on my mind before i drifted off to sleep were the words that Miss Robertson spoke to me earlier in the day, " all my concentration was on you." it was replaying in my head like a broken record but thankfully i got to sleep although not with out dreading what tomorrow is going to be like.

Love at first site.(girlxgirl) (student teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now