Chapter 3. . :)

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mmmmm i groaned as i stretched,i haven't woken up feeling this good in a while, i must of had a really nice dream. whilst sitting in my bed for ten minutes trying to remember my dream i hear my dad yelling from the kitchen.


Me: YES FATHER! i replied in a posh accent.

after i said that all i heard is his laughter booming up the stairs and blowing up my ears.




What the heck he just said algoods what a weirdo, i have to remind myself to ask where he learnt that.

I went through my wardrobe and decided to wear a flowy black dress a white lace cardi and my white ballet flats because i couldn't shake the feeling that I'm missing something that's happening today but i just cant figure out what it is.

after i had had my shower and changed i looked myself over and strolled down stairs to find my surprise and that's when i felt a pair of graceful arms wrap around me when they let go i saw Jules beautiful green eyes and then Roger gave me a huge hug aswell.

Me: Morning guys what are you doing here?

they both looked at me as if i have lost my mind and i didn't no why, just as they were about to tell me something the twins came running towards me with something in their hands.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABA! they both said in unison"

"geezzzz guys why are yo. . . . wait what its not my birthday today its three days away?"

"yes it is silly, its the 4th of April"

"wow what happened to the last three days?"

"I don't no but hurry up Doc made the best breakfast ever."

if you dont no, all my friends call my dad Doc. My dad is Doctor Dartanian Jones. My nana was obsessed with the movie The man in the iron mask, you no the three musketeers but i loved his name im going to name my son after my dad.

After the amazing breakfast my Dad made the images of Kaia started rushing back in to my head and i started to get excited about going to uni today, seen as i will be seeing the most beautiful woman in the world on the best day of my life. (so far)

I drove to school with the twins in the car with me they were showering me with my favourite lollies in the world, Fruit bursts. The twins always came to uni with me because they were in love with my car they both each had cars but they were adamint that mine was better.

Rick had a Black Ford Mustang Shelby GT with red rafcing stripes, by the way im in love with.

Nick has a red Ford Mustang 22 fast back and it has black racing strips but i didnt really mind them coming to school with me because they always made my day with their dry jokes, they are my older brothers.

as we rolled up to the parking lot all the girls were waiting for me with the biggest smiles on their faces i knew it wasn't for my birthday, i had a feeling that there was something else, i can see it in their eyes.

As soon as i got out of the car i was bombarded with Happy Birthdays and evn a couple of guys that walked past said happy birthday seen as the girls basically screamed it at me.

Me: Thank you guys.

All of them: "Here are your presents."

Me: "You shouldnt of i already have everything i want and need."

Jaide: " Open my prescent first I know you dont have any of them on you right now."

i opened the prescent that jaide gave me and jumped on her as soon as i saw the 5 packets of Fruit burst that she got me.

Me: "thank you so much Twinny you know me all to well."

Jaide: " Yes yes i do."

i opened up the other prescents they got me, i got two new perfumes from from Amy and Racheal, two new pairs of nike kicks from Georgina and Rose and Crystal got me a pair of these beautiful leopard printed heels with a matching cardigan so i put those on and swaped my white cardi and white flats.

Rocco finally graced us with his presents, he look so damn fine but i made a pact with the twins that i wouldnt go there again, and he was holding something behind his back. When he got over to us he kissed me on the cheek and said happy birthday whilst he gave me a purple wrapped box.

Me: " You didnt have to get me anything. "

Rocco: " I know but i wanted to and i know you wont have that."

Me: Hmmm Ok then.

I unwrapped the box and inside it was a brand new All Black rugby jersey with a long note from my favourite All Black "Brad Thorn" i gave him a hug but definitely not before I dropped the box with the jersey in my hand i was so in love with it. I wanted to wear it but it wouldnt exactly go with what im wearing but definitely cant wait to show my dad.

As we were walking to class where i would finally see Kaia, Jaide whispered in my ear that i was getting a surprise in class and i couldn't help but get excited.

Love at first site.(girlxgirl) (student teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now