Chapter one. . :)

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My names Jayde Jones (j-j), Its my first day at Panthera University. This is the biggest place ive ever been to, now i get to come here everday. In high shcool i was the only one out of my mates that got A+'s i wasn't a Cheerleader but i was one of their mates i think it was because i was best mates with the twin quaterbacks but they told me it was because i could sing so i just pushed it aside.

some of the cheerleaders were really jealous of my relationship with them but I didnt really care because me and the twins were tight and nothing would split us up. This year i decided that the whole time I'm here my nose is gonna be in my text books. I doubt that there will be anything that can distract me enough to lose concentration. At the moment the only things going through my head are, " I hope my work isn't hard and i hope I pass." "OK, students of APA Maths you may come in." said the vice Chancellor.

The Students all piled in to the lecture room. Even thou it was the first day you could already see the groups forming, the Jocks, who i was unlucky enough to sit in front of. The preppy cheerleader types were all on my right, on my left were the emo looking people and the rocker dudes and dudettes, of course the nerds are all in the first two rows.

I was in the middle trying to slip under the radar so what happened at high school doesn't happen here, it was working so far because no one has tried anything on so that's good.

The door creaked open and our teacher graced us with her presence. I thought i had just died and gone to heaven, because i thought i was seeing an angel walk in to the room. My heart started racing, my palms were getting sweaty and i couldn't help but steer, she is the most beautiful human being i have ever seen, she had long wavy hair that cascaded down stopped just past her belly button. I have never seen anyone in my 18 years of life as beautiful as her ,then she spoke " Good Morning I will be your teacher for this year my name is Kaia Robertson but you can just call me Miss Robertson." At that precise moment i knew that she was the distraction i thought was never going to be in here, then again i thought about it and at least i knew i was going to be in class everyday.

Kaia Robertson

This is my 2nd year teaching APA Maths at this university but every year its always the same i get all nervous and i have to take a minute to myself just so that I'm composed for my new students and every time i count 3,2,1 and that's when i walk in.

My eyes scanned the chairs of students, this was definitely the most students I've ever had in my class, but for the first time ever my eyes stopped in the middle of the group of eager teenagers and that's when i saw the most beautiful person i have ever seen in my life her beauty was so radiant her hair was exactly like mine but it was black with red highlights. This student isn't exactly skinny but she was captivating and i knew this because i couldn't move, my heart was beating so fast and loud that i was sure that my students could hear it. My hands were sweating and i had to force myself to look away because this girl was the most stunning creation I had ever seen.

it was as if before i was walking this earth with a hole in my chest and just the site of her filled that hole. To think i thought this year was going to be the same as the last 1, but after seeing this beautiful girl i knew it was going to be an interesting year. When the class ended i was unable to talk to her Because i had to rush off to a board meeting but i did learn her name, "Jayde Jones" and that's when i knew i wasn't going to be taking any days off this year.


I really wanted to formally introduce myself to her but i knew she wouldn't want to stay and talk to any of us because well she probably has a husband or boyfriend to go home to, woman like her always have someone in their lives, men and women drooling and wishing that they had her on their arm,

but i knew i was kidding myself and i knew it was never going to happen so all i can do is dream because dreams are free, well most of them anyway. A couple of weeks has passed and I have made the best of friends even thou I didn't want any they made me feel good about myself. It was good because they wanted to slip under the radar just like i did, so we made a pact that we will do it together.

We were like a little squad but I knew I could trust them because I told them that I liked our teacher Kaia and they were all the more supportive, although It was annoying because when ever Kaia would choose me which was all the time or when she said my name all the time or even when she looked at me, again, all the time they would all pull kissy faces at me but, thats what i liked so much about them.

We had our little crew there is Jaide we call each other twinny because our names are the same then there's Amy, Rachael, Georgina, Rose, Crystal and Jamie but there were my best guy mates that came with me from high school there is Rocco, Nick, Rick and Roger. Nick and Rick are twins and i grew up with them, i love those guys they are like the brothers that i always wanted. They're jocks but they always made time for me, but i made them promise not to talk about me to the team i wanted to be invisible to the rest of the Uni I'm sick of being at the top so i decided to leave that part of me back at high school.

One day during lunch i was singing to my Ipod and a couple cheerleaders heard me and the news of my voice spread like wild fire, within a hour almost everyone in my university knew which means i wasn't invisible anymore and i didn't like that at all.

everyone kept coming up to me and asking me to sing for them, i told them all another time, i was pissed off enough as it is. According to a few students i was now the new "IT" girl and i really hated it I hated, being on the map but i must admit that i do love singing in front of people, i love performing, then one day i was walking from the library and i was singing with my ipod again, but i was hiding behind my shades and Kaia was walking past,

she was looking at me as if something was wrong with my hair or something, because she wasn't watching where she was going so she banged in to some chick and all her books flew across the ground, the girl that Kaia walked in to had the cheek to laugh so i ripped my shades off and had a spazz at her

the girl apologized to Kaia while i picked up her books "why didn't you move?" "your voice is so alluring that i couldn't look away, my concentration was all on you." i just stood in front of her steering then she broke the awkward silence "um sorry I've gotta go." My eyes followed her till i couldn't see her, i muttered "Thank You Miss Robertson." and i went to find the girls.

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