Unseen Protector (Officer!Castiel x fem!barista reader)

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(Police Officer/Coffee shop AU! WARNINGS: MENTIONS OF CREEPERS AND POTENTIAL STALKING!!! Read with caution if the mention of it triggers you!)

(Can be read as gender neutral reader as there are no pronouns used!)

When Castiel had first stepped foot in the little coffee shop, he hadn't thought anything of it. He was just getting his morning coffee before going into work. The coffee from the shop was better than anything the precinct had and he liked supporting small businesses. But then, he met you. You were his barista that morning and had greeted him with such a dazzling smile, he couldn't help but smile in return.

Every day after that, Castiel returned to the coffee shop. There was something about you that intrigued him. It wasn't just that you were beautiful. You were, of course, but there was something that came from the inside that Castiel really wanted to know better. So, whenever he came in for his coffee, he would try to strike up a conversation with you if you were there. The two of you became quite close, or at least he hoped he wasn't alone in thinking that. Then came the event that would change everything.

Castiel grabbed his coffee and was about to leave when he noticed something that didn't sit right with him. There was a man sitting at one of the tables. He'd been there when Castiel arrived as well. He had a laptop in front of him and a cup next to him. The cup was one the baristas used for hot drinks, but there was no longer steam coming from it meaning he'd either finished it a while ago or it had gone cold. And not once since he'd stepped foot in there had Castiel heard the sound of the mouse pad or keyboard on the laptop. Odd, but not really his business. What was his business was that the man had hardly taken his eyes off you the entire time Castiel had been waiting for his coffee.

Castiel spared a glance at you. You gave him a smile, but it looked forced. Uncomfortable. Your eyes darted to the man before coming back to him. Castiel leaned in a little so he could whisper, "Is he bothering you?" You thought for a minute before slowly shaking your head. "N-Not really. It's just that he's been here every single day for the past two weeks. He always stays for hours and I can feel him staring. He came yesterday when I wasn't working and apparently stormed out when he saw another barista."

"I am certain he is simply an intense person. I will talk to him before I leave." You gave a nod before telling him you needed to get back to work. Castiel stopped at the man's table and had a short discussion about how his actions made some of the baristas uncomfortable and he suggested to the man that, if he was interested in one of the baristas to let them know instead of simply staring. The man had given him a tense smile and agreed so Castiel left. He wasn't out to arrest anyone that didn't deserve it, no matter how badly he was creeped out.

However, all the way to the precinct and throughout the day, Castiel couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. His instincts were almost never wrong. It was one of his gifts. He felt the need to protect the baristas in the coffee shop. To protect you. Fortunately for him, Castiel was close with the officer who worked that particular beat. He could technically ask her and the chief to change up the schedule a bit so he could work a different beat.

That was how Castiel found himself patrolling the area around the coffee shop, mostly trying to be on the same schedule as you so he could watch out for you. He was discreet and didn't bother anyone if it wasn't necessary, but he did make certain to drive by the coffee shop several times a day. Sure enough, that guy was back every single day. He sat there for hours, his eyes glued mostly to you. Still, he wasn't doing anything illegal and Castiel couldn't barge in there and demand he leave or arrest him. He had no cause for that. Just a gut feeling.

Then came the first day when Castiel drove by and you weren't there. Coincidentally, neither was the man. Castiel didn't think anything of it. You typically had at least one day off a week. But that one day turned to two. And then three. And then four. Five. Castiel started worrying around day three. Had something happened to you? He could have easily found out where you lived of course, to check up on you, but he wouldn't invade your privacy with a misuse of resources like that. So he waited.

Six days after he'd last saw you, Castiel let out a deep sigh of relief when he walked into the coffee shop at the beginning of his shift. You were back and looking fine. A little worn down, but otherwise okay. You greeted Castiel with your usually smile. "Good morning, Officer Novak! Usual?" Castiel nodded.

"I...missed you," Castiel admitted softly when you were within ear shot again. Your brows crinkled together. "What do you mean?" Castiel explained that he'd come in for his coffee and you weren't there. "I was sick, but you don't have to lie to me. I've seen you patrolling recently. I recognized the different car when you switched shifts with Officer Hanscum. I know you've been keeping an eye on me and the other baristas because of that guy."

Castiel blushed a deep red. You laughed lightly. "I apologize if it made you uncomfortable. There was something that didn't sit well with me about his actions." You nodded and told him you understood. "But really, you didn't make me uncomfortable. You never crossed any lines and you weren't actually following me. I appreciate you looking out. It's more than most officers do."

Castiel wasn't sure what to say as you handed him his coffee before telling your manager that you were taking your break. "I do have a question," you stated as soon as you had stepped foot outside. Castiel nodded his head, prompting you to ask the question on your mind. "Why me? I mean, you're a sweet guy, but you seemed really worried that I wasn't here. I can tell you're, at the very least, attracted to me. So, why me?"

Castiel let his cerulean eyes meet your (e/c) ones. "Because I have never met a more beautiful creation, inside and out, than you. You always have a smile for me, even when you're having an off day. You don't let the stress of your day affect the way you treat others. You never looked down on other people and I always hear you encouraging everyone who comes in here. You are a wondrous human being with a gentle heart and kind soul that lights up my day whenever I see."

Castiel blushed again as he waited for you to say something. His best friend always told him he talked too much. Shared too much. Maybe he was very candid with his feelings, but Castiel believed he owed it to you. "That is probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you," you whispered.

Just as he was about to reply, Castiel's radio crackled to life. "I have to get back to work. I-"

"Would you go on a date with me?" you asked suddenly, interrupting Castiel. You clamped your mouth shut, but muttered a quick apology. You glanced down at your shoes, but Castiel wasn't having it. He lifted your chin so he could look at you again. "I would love to. We'll talk more about this when we both have time. In the meantime, I'll see you tomorrow." You beamed and gave a nod. Castiel dropped his hand and turned to go back to work, leaving you staring after him as he walked away.

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