Still Beautiful (Sam Winchester x fem!reader)

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You ran your hand through your (h/c) hair as you stared at your reflection. The hunt you just finished had been the last straw. For months now, your hair had been getting in your way during hunts and when the vampire pulled you up by it, throwing you against a wall, you decided the hair had to go. Taking a deep breath, you picked up the scissors and began snipping off the strands. When you were done, you picked up the clippers and started shaving the rest of the hair off.

A few minutes later, you were once again staring at your reflection on the mirror. It wasn't the best, but it did the job. Now the only problem was that you didn't feel feminine anymore. Still, it couldn't be undone now. You cleaned up the mess you made and left the bathroom. You wandered into the library, where Sam was deeply engrossed in a lore book.

He looked up and his jaw dropped when he saw you. "Do you hate it?" you asked quietly. Sam unfolded his long legs and crossed the room to where you were. "Why would I hate it?" he asked, gently grasping your chin and tilting your head to look up at him. "I know you loved my hair, Sam." He chuckled softly and shook his head. "No, I liked your hair. I love you."

"You don't think I look too masculine?" Another shake of his head, his own hair falling in his face making you chuckle. "You are still so beautiful, with or without your hair. Besides, I have more than enough hair for both of us." You smiled up at him, but he could still see the doubt in your eyes. He took one of your hands in his and pulled you closer. "Y/N, you are beautiful," he said again, leaning down to press a kiss to each cheek and then your nose and forehead before finally kissing your lips. Every kiss was punctuated with the words, "beautiful" and "stunning."

"Canyou not do that in common rooms of the bunker?" Dean's voice suddenly camefrom behind you. You and Sam laughed. You let Sam lead you from the library andto your shared bedroom. "What are we doing, Sammy?" you asked him. Helooked over his shoulder with a smile and replied, "I'm taking you to getchanged because we are going out tonight and then, when we get home, I am goingto spend the rest of the night cuddling you and reminding you just how much Ilove you and how beautiful you are." You bit your lip and beamed at him.You knew you were extremely lucky to have him for a boyfriend.    

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