Love at First Spell (Mick Davies x fem!reader)

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You hated witches with a passion. Hated them. It was only supposed to be a simple salt and burn, but then she had shown up. After casting some kind of spell, you didn't know what since you'd never been cursed before, at you, she disappeared again. Knowing you'd probably never catch up to her, you decided to call it a night and go home. You were still cursing to yourself when you opened the door of the bunker. It was still fairly early in the morning so the boys should have been asleep. That didn't appear to be the case.

You heard their voices first and sighed. So much for being able to wait to tell them what happened. You knew you had to tell them sooner or later, but you were hoping for more time. Unfortunately for you, you had to go right past the kitchen to get to your room. Sighing, you made your way down the steps inside. You just wanted a shower, but it looked like that would have to wait. You followed the voices into the kitchen and the first person you saw was Mick.

It was as if time slowed down. Mick turned to you with a smile on his face. You swear he's never looked more handsome than he did in that moment. You just stood there and stared. "Uh, hello? Earth to Y/N?" Dean called out, but you didn't tear your gaze away from Mick. "Hey, Dean," you mumbled before saying, "You have really pretty eyes, Mick. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Mick looked at you in shock and confusion. Then, he turned to the boys. "What's the matter with her?" Sam and Dean both shook their heads. "No clue. Y/N? Why don't you go take a shower and get some sleep? I'm sure you could use it." You smiled at Sam briefly before turning back to Mick. "Only if Mick joins me." Mick cleared his throat and Dean had had enough. "Okay, time to go." He came over and scooped you up. "Wait, Dean! No!" you cried as he carried you from the kitchen while you fought to get back to Mick.

Mick's mouth and throat had gone dry. Had you really just said that? It certainly wasn't like you. Mick thought you hated and distrusted him like the Winchesters had when they first met him. Yet here you were, very obviously flirting with him. Not that it was unwanted, just unusual.

Mick had been fond of you from the moment you'd met. The women he usually came in contact with weren't like you so you were a breath of fresh air. And since moving into the bunker, Mick had found himself attracted to you in many different ways. He loved everything about you, in fact, but couldn't say the feelings were mutual. Whatever was happening now was just cruel.

Your cries echoed through the bunker. You kept screaming about how much you wanted to see Mick. How much you needed him. How much you loved him. Mick and Sam heard every word. They both got up and made their way out of the kitchen. They rounded the corner to find Dean panting outside the door to the dungeon.

"You locked her up?" Dean's eyes narrowed at his brother. "Don't worry. I didn't chain her up. Just locked her in. You should have seen her, Sam. It's like she's not herself. She was fighting me with everything she had just to get back to him. I'm telling you, something happened on that hunt." Dean showed Sam and Mick his arm where there were obvious scratch marks from where you'd dug your nails into Dean's skin. There were even a set of bite marks. "Trust me. The dungeon is the best place for her right now until we figure out what's going on and how to fix it," Dean declared and this time, neither Sam nor Mick could argue.

The three men researched for hours and found nothing. "I think the only way we're going to know what happened is to ask Y/N," Sam finally stated. The others reluctantly agreed and went back to the dungeon. Hopefully, you'd be willing to talk. They really needed to find out what was going on.

Dean was the first person you saw and you glared at him. "I don't want to talk to you, Dean." Dean glanced behind him at Mick who stepped into your line of sight. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Mick!" You ran over to him and threw your arms around him. Mick stiffened briefly, but relaxed after a second.

"Hello, luv. How are you feeling?" You smiled at him. "Better now. But I'm really mad at Dean. How could you let him lock me up in here, Mick? Don't you love me?" Your eyes were wide and Mick felt himself starting to panic. If he said the wrong thing, he could make things a whole lot worse. He looked up at the Winchesters who were nodded vehemently.

"Of course I do, Y/N," Mick told you softly, "But we needed to make sure you were safe while we tried to figure out what happened to you on that hunt." You cocked your head in confusion. "The hunt? OH! The salt and burn! Yeah, everything went really good. Got the job least until that witch showed up. I tried to kill her, but she cast some kind of spell and disappeared. But what's that got to do with us, Mick?"

Mick didn't respond. A spell would make the most sense. He cleared his throat again and smiled. "Nothing, luv. Why don't we go get you something to eat and then a nap, alright?" You looked up at him with a grin. "With you?" He nodded. He knew he had to do something to keep you occupied so they could figure out what was happening with you. You laughed and before Mick could react, pressed your lips to his.

*time skip*

Almost a month. That's how long you'd been under that spell. Mick had never seen a spell hold on so long before. And the truth was that he and the Winchesters were no closer to breaking the spell than they had been at the beginning. "I can't find anything in these books about how to break love spells. There has to be a way."

Mick sighed. He really wanted the old you back. While he didn't mind spending the extra time with you, it was killing him to know that everything happening was spell-induced. "Guys?" Mick looked up to see you standing in the doorway of the library. Your voice was soft and you refused to meet their gaze. In your hands, you held a book.

"It wasn't a love spell," you whispered. You looked up and met Mick's eyes only. "How do you know?" You swallowed thickly before answering, "The spell started to wear off a few days ago so I started my own research. It wasn't a love spell. Not really. It was a spell that brings out the victim's deepest hidden emotion."

Sam and Dean looked between you and Mick. Mick was staring right at you in surprise while you let your gaze travel back to the floor. "Why didn't you tell us the spell was wearing off?" You shrugged. "I didn't know for sure. I didn't want to tell you and be wrong." Dean crossed his arms over his chest. Sam was putting the pieces together in his head. "Wait a minute, so does this mean you love really love him?" Sam asked. Mick felt his throat tighten as he waited for your answer. Without looking up, you nodded.

The Winchesters took that as their cue to leave. You were left alone with Mick again. You still hadn't looked up and tears were beginning to form in your eyes. "I am so sorry, Mick. I didn't mean for this to happen." You were so busy apologizing that you didn't hear Mick get up and walk over to you. It wasn't until you felt his hands gently grab your face that you stopped. He lifted your face so he could look into your eyes.

"Mick, I-" Your next apology was cut off by his lips. Mick kissed you with every ounce of love he had to give. You felt as if you were floating. You wondered why you'd kept your feelings for the man hidden for so long, if he was able to kiss like that. For the first time ever, you were grateful the hunt had gone wrong. That witch had done you a favor. But all thoughts of that flew out of your head as Mick deepened the kiss.     

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