chapter one

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"shined like the moonlight"


(before we start this book, i just wanted to let you guys know that my writing skills get ALOT better at chapter ten and after because i started taking writing classes and watched video's with tips. so just bare with me until chapter ten and it will get so much better. -a/n)

primrose knight has one true best friend, her name is alya brookes. primrose is an animagus and alya is a werewolf. alya was bitten when she was very little and it took her until 3rd year to tell prim that she's a werewolf. prim didn't care though, so she decided to become an animagus to help out her friend. her animagus is a doe and whenever there's a full moon prim takes alya all the way deep into the forest where there is a hut. alya and prim built this hut with an enchantment so only prim and alya could find it. Nobody knows alya is a werewolf except for alya's parents and primrose. 

prim never had an experience with parents. one day prim was eating breakfast and people with masks and cloaks came into her house. all she remembers that day was her parents screaming and a big flash of green. she sobbed on the ground for hours hoping they would wake up but they didn't. she doesn't even know why they came to her house. all they did was kill her parents and leave her there to cry. no one even knew that her parents were dead until the next morning aurors filled the house. she screamed and kicked for them to let her stay but they didn't listen. she got put in an orphanage and she her sister won't take her in since she calls prim a freak. she sometimes goes to alya's house for christmas but she doesn't go to often because she doesn't want to intrude. 

primrose knight was not the most popular gryffindor. nobody really knew she existed. until alya decided that it was time to show primrose that she should get a makeover. alya knew that prim had beauty in her but she never took the time to show it. alya was surprised when prim showed up at her house. her beautiful fiery red hair had grown out and her natural wavy curls had shown. her emerald green eyes shined like the moonlight dancing on clear waters in the middle of the night. her jaw had gotten more defined and she lost her chubby cheeks. her legs had grown more defined and tanned and her hips curved at the waist. primrose didn't see a difference but alya did. 

she knew this year was going to start off great. 

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