chapter sixteen

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"erm, girlie are you good? you look like your about to pass out,"


alya was currently in the library and prim decided she needed to talk to her. she walked to the corner of the library where alya was currently working on her charms essay.

"hey, al..." prim started looking very nervous.

"erm, girlie are you good? you look like your about to pass out," alya said chuckling to herself and setting down her quill.

"well, i wanted to talk to you about something," prim said sitting down in the seat next to alya.

"go for it hun," alya said suspiciously.

"okay so, do you remember how i told you james was the stag," asked prim.


"basically, the boys brought me into a room and they all knew about me being the doe, so they told me about their secret. they have a 'marauder's map' which shows where every person in the castle is and secret passages. they are all animagus'; james is a stag, peter is a rat, and sirius is a dog." prim finished with a huff from being out of breath.

"oh erm, okay then that was a lot of information," alya said with wide eyes, "wait, then what's remus' animagus?" asked alya very confused.

"he doesn't have- wait, he needs to tell you, that's why i wanted to ask if you could tell them that your a werewolf," prim said anxiously.

"what does me telling them that i'm a werewolf have to do with remus?" alya asked sternly starting to get mad. she was scared to tell remus that she was a werewolf because they currently had a thing going on and she didn't want him to think of her any differently. she always struggled with thinking badly of herself, but prim helped her with self confidence. she wasn't as bad at thinking she's a monster as remus though.

"just trust me, please," prim said grabbing alya's hands with a pleading look in her eyes.

"fine, but what if he thinks of me any differently?" alya asked with tears gathering in her eyes. 

"don't worry, he won't," said prim with a sly smile. she grabbed alya's arm and dragged her out of the library.

prim and alya sat down on the couch in the common room. it was late at night so they were the only ones awake. james, sirius, remus, and peter were sitting across from the two girls. 

"okay so what does alya need to tell us?" sirius asked taking the cigarette from his mouth and throwing it in the fire. 

"you guys might think differently of me when i tell you this, but prim told me to trust her and i do," alya said looking down at her hands that were sitting in her lap, "i- well, i'm a werewolf," alya said. there was just silence for minutes. all the boys had wide eyes and there mouths were wide open. prim smacked james' head and the rest of the boys finally snapped out of their trance. 

"i told you, they-," alya said and was in the middle of getting off the couch but didn't get to finish her sentence when she was suddenly engulfed in a big hug by remus. alya returned the hug wrapping her arms around remus' waist and they stayed there for a couple minutes. remus felt water on his shoulder seeping through the shirt when he realized that alya was crying. remus lifted alya's head from his shoulder and then cupped her cheeks with his hands. 

"its okay, im a werewolf too," said remus with tears in his eyes aswell. 

alya's eyes went wide and then she went back to hugging remus, "i tho- thought you wouldn't like me anymore," alya said finally lifting her head from his shoulder, she sniffled and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"no, i would never," remus said with a soft smile.

"i told you!" prim shouted and returning the high five james was giving her.

"well done moony, you got yourself a werewolf girlfriend now, you two were meant to be together," james said with a proud look.



they were all walking through the corridor because they decided they wanted to all go to the kitchens together. suddenly, the normal gang of slytherins cornered everyone.

"ah look what we found," lucius said with a sickening smile. 

prim's hand discretely went to her wand in her pocket. severus pulled out his wand at the same times as james and they both pointed them at eachother.

"how's it going snivellous?" james asked with a fake smile. normally prim would tell him to stop, but recently james stopped hexing severus for fun and only did it when he was bullying other people, so she knew it way okay for him to do it.

severus scowled and lucius stepped in, "how's your mudblood girlfriend potter?" he asked with and evil smirk.

james lunged forward going for a punch but prim pulled him back and stepped in front of him, "it's fine, let me handle this," she whispered quickly to james and he stepped back. 

"im doing well thank's for asking lucy," prim snickered and sirius had to hold back his laugh, "oh and severus, if you want to call me that word say it to my face," prim said while severus just glared. she quickly flicked her wand by her side and did a nonverbal bat-bogey hex. all the slytherins screamed and ran off. 

"you pay for this mudblood!"

"sure," prim scoffed and turned around to see five mouths wide open with shocked expressions.

"what?" prim asked genuinely confused.

"you know how to do nonverbal spells?" james asked indecorously.

"yes, i practiced them last year, you never know when you might need it," prim said and walked backed to the common room leaving them standing there still shocked.

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