chapter twelve

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"i always knew you fancied me."


the past couple weeks james and prim have been getting along extra well. james thought he would try to become close with prim before asking her out, and it was working. prim was seeing how james was really changing.

prim met james in the school foyer and he held his hand out for her to take, which she did. it was a saturday and it was time for a hogmeade trip. james asked prim if she would go with him as 'friends' since whenever he wanted to as a date she said no. he knew she was warming up to him and he wanted to take her out as friends first. 

"you look beautiful," said james, giving her hand a squeeze. 

"thanks," said prim through a yawn, "your glasses are dirty."

"that's when you say i look absolutely spectacular," complained james as prim slipped his glasses off of his face and wiped the lenses with her woolen jumper she wore.

"you look stunning, hun," answered prim as she put his glasses back on with a dramatic fake smile.

"your too kind," smiled james, he put his arm around her shoulder and they resumed their walk.

the pair decided upon going into the tea shop rather than the three broomsticks, as the marauders possibly would've been in there. presumably, wearing fake moustaches in an attempt to spy on their friends during their date.

"you go sit down and i'll get us tea," instructed prim, gesturing to the many free seats the cafe had to offer.

"i'll get it," said james, to which prim looked up at him with a challenging stare.

"you got it last time, amongst other stuff you bought me," said prim, "so sit."


"-james," said prim with narrowed eyes.

"fine," said james who reluctantly turned away and found a seat near a window, knowing prim would like that.

prim smiled in victory and went up to the counter. she ordered tea and cake she knew james would like and thanked the woman behind the counter. she turned with the tray in her hands and looked to alya and remus who were in the queue behind her.

remus had admitted to fancying alya and alya did the same to prim so james and prim decided to set them up on a date to hogmeade.

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