chapter eleven

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"wipe that drool of your chin, prongs,"


prim was back at school and was feeling extra joyful. she had a much better christmas than any of the years before. 

she decided that she would try and forgive severus. she knew it would be hard for him to earn her trust back, but she felt like she should give him one more chance. 

prim went up to severus to tell him that they could be friends again. she wanted to tell him that she had forgiven him.

but, much to everyone's surprise, before she could even say anything he burst out eight words that changed everything.

"get away from me you filthy little mudblood."

his slytherin friends laughed while severus had plastered an apologetic look on his face.

prim knew that he didn't want to say it and he only did it because of his new 'friends', but that didn't stop her from feeling broken down. again.

her vision blurred with tears but she wouldn't dare let them out. "alright, but don't come looking for my forgiveness again. i just hope you know what your doing. joining voldemort and his death eaters wont save you."

severus heart ached. the girl he loved just left him and it was his fault.

"hi," said prim softly as she approached remus' hospital bed, "i brought you some chocolate and a crossword puzzle book. i like them, so i thought maybe you would."

remus slowly sat up and adjusted himself, with a little help from prim, in a sitting position. he took the chocolate and muttered a lazy thank you and slowly began to eat it since he needed energy. also because he had a weird obsession with chocolate but prim didn't question it.

"this is a stupid question but, how are you?" asked prim as she sat on the edge of the bed looking at the sore looking boy.

"kind of sore," said remus, she knew he was masking the real pain he was in but prim would probably do the same in that situation.

"where are the others?" asked prim, surprised that none of them were here given they usually crowded remus on days like this.

"dont you mean, where's james?" asked remus, somehow having the energy to send her a suggestive look which prim playfully rolled her eyes at.

"no," said prim matter of factly although she did naturally wonder where he was most of the time and what he was doing.

"right," said remus, not believing her but letting it slide, "they're at dinner."

"are they coming back?" asked prim, hoping for a yes, but then she remembered alya was waiting on her, "i need to go and get dinner with al, are you going to be alright?"

"i'm fine," said remus with a mouthful of chocolate which made prim laugh.

"i'll see you later, remy," said elaine as she brushed a hand through his hair.

"see you late, rose," replied remus with the same fondness prim had in her voice.

prim waved at him and headed out the door and she smiled widely at the sight of the rest of the marauders. she toned her smile down a bit considering she probably looked mental with that big grin on her face.

"what do you want?" asked james with a bitchy tone and annoyed mocked face that he couldn't possibly keep as he continued to look at her.

"not you," replied prim with narrowed eyes, james being dramatic, of course looked flabbergasted and offended which prim just snorted at, "i was just seeing remus."

"ah, he get's sick all the time, and i have no idea how," sirius nervously chuckled and the rest of the marauders chuckled nervously too.

"erm okay, i've got to go see alya, bye," prim said suspiciously but softly and walked away. 

"bye," said james fondly as she walked past him, she was somehow taken aback by the softness of his voice but she nodded and smiled and continued walking.

"wipe that drool of your chin, prongs," said sirius as peter grabbed james' arm and pulled him along causing his gaze on prim to shift out of it's trance.

prim joined alya at dinner and it felt really good to have her best friend back from being gone so long. although, something felt off with prim, it was strange because prim knew herself really well, she knew how she felt and what she thought with absolute certainty. the girl never really did doubt herself.

however, she felt a little lost and confused with james and what to say to him. they always had something to talk about when they hung out and there were never any awkward silences between them. there still wasn't really but now there was this strange tension between the two. it was as if everyone else could see it as well as them. it felt like peter and sirius could see it as well and it made her feel weird.

it wasn't a negative feeling at all but it felt like a weight on her shoulders and she was longing to get it off. 

the more prim thought, the more she knew. she felt different with james than she did with alya or sirius, or even the other marauders. she longed to be with him for the most part of the day and when they were together, she felt so...happy. blissfully happy. prim was intuitive for the most part, however, james was sort of an enigma at times.

he compliments her often, but it means a lot to prim. for merlins sake, she blushed one time in charms because he looked at her and winked. come on, a wink? why would she blush at such a stupid thing? like previously said, prim knew herself and she was an intelligent girl, she knew she fancied him inside and out.

they went from enemies to friends in mere moments.

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