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I know! Another author's note. 

I am a terrible person for leaving you guys on a cliff hanger. And I know I said I would update more in my last a/n, but I didn't. I am terribly sorry!

I also hate how I decided to do lowercase and middle paged on this book, but I can't change it now. Ugh, why was I so stupid!!

Dont worry, I am going to continue this story. I am going to try and finish this book up and also update pretty frequently on my other one (almost every day). Since honestly I am more interested in that one with new ideas sprouting. Also I've just had writer's block on this one for awhile. 

I am going to try and update about 3-4 times a week, but honestly I'm sorry if I dont. I have summer camps and also I'm a camp counselor so I am going to go MIA for a couple weeks throughout summer. You guys are really the only thing that's making me want to finish this book. So thank you for the love and support! 

I am going to try and put up a new chap tomorrow or in the next day. 

Sorry and all my love, 

ads <3

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