chapter fifteen

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"do monster's fold their socks and clothes?"


james, sirius, peter, and remus were all sitting in their dorm fighting about wether or not they should tell prim about their secrets.

"but she already knows about james being an animagus, so why not the rest of us!" james exclaimed flopping down on his bed.

"because, she will probably lecture us about how could we do something so stupid," sirius said taking a drag from his cigarette, "and i'm not in the mood for a lecture,"

"in the end, it's my decision to decide wether or not to tell her," remus said solemnly.  

"yeah, moony's right, it's his decision," james stated looking at remus with hopeful eyes.

"i- i think we should tell her," remus said finally looking up from his hands, "she's always nice, and she gave away her secret for us, so now we do the same for her," remus finished with a determined look.

"alright, lets go moony," sirius said said with a defeated look on his face.

prim was walking through an empty corridor when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty classroom. 

"hey, let me go you prat!" prim yelled getting nervous.

her instincts came in and even though she didn't know who pulled her into the classroom she turned around and punched them right in the face.

"prim it's ju- OW!" james yelled clutching his now throbbing face.

"oh my merlin, i'm so sorry i didn't know who it was," prim said with a worried look on her face

she looked behind him to find three snickering boys. 

"never mind, i'm not sorry, he needed a little ego deflate," said prim snickering with the boys.

 "i'm hurt, my flower!" james gasped dramatically clutching his chest.

"well you'll be okay lover boy, now what did you drag me in here for?" prim stated crossing her arms over her chest with a demanding look.

"remus has something to tell you," sirius said giving remus an assuring look.

the three boys all sat at a desk looking very nervous, and james was leaning against a table very calmly.

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