chapter seventeen

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"there is a war coming, and we must all be prepared for it,"


*blood warning*

prim was in the middle of transfiguration class when she see's a floating piece of paper shaped as a paper airplane coming over to her. she thought it was probably james since he was one to do things like that. she descretely opened the piece of paper trying not to get caught and read it.

do you want to go to hosmaede with me and the boys?

tommorow @ noon?

-the one and only james :)

prim laughed and covered her mouth to try and stop her giggles. she looked behind her and there she saw james sitting next to sirius with an exited look and whispering something into his ear, and for some reason whatever he said made sirius smack james in the head. prim whipped her head back around and stifled her giggles. 

"mr. potter!" professsor mcgonagall shouted.

james looked up and cursed, "shit,"

"would you please share whatever you were discussing with mr. black?" mcgonagall said with a sly but stern face.

"erm, not really, no," james said with a sheepish look.

"then i will see you in detention this friday mr. potter," mcgonagall said and turned back to what she was teaching. 

"will do minnie!" james shouted with a smirk.

he looked over to prim and gave her a questioning look asking if she would come. she nodded and james sprung out of his chair and did his happy dance. 

"another day of detention!"

"aw man!"


today was the day prim was going to hogsmaede with the boys. she decided to wear a pastel floral skirt with a white crop top and her black converse. she skidded down the stairs to see all the boys with their usual outfits. sirius with a leather jacket, remus with a grandpa sweater, peter with a t-shirt, and james with his quidditch jumper. 

"hello boys," prim said with a gentle smile while they all started to walk out of the common room and to hogsmaede. 

"you look nice," james said with a kind smile as he was walking next to prim and everyone else was walking ahead.

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