chapter fourteen

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"well, i certainly don't mind being your soulmate,"


james and prim avoided eachother throughout the whole week. 

maybe it was just because of all the information he had to take in? prim thought.

she decided she wasn't going to confront him until he did so to her. unfortunately james was waiting for her to confront him first. 

the rest of the marauders were infuriated by how james and prim were avoiding eachother like they had a plague. 

prim and alya were in the middle of class when prim had to blurt out what she was thinking in front of alya because it hd been driving her crazy for the past week.

"what should i do? please help me," prim begged alya while clutching her arm.

"i- prim! we are in class," alya said turning her head back to the teacher. but for the past five minutes prim kept poking her until she could get an answer out of her, "stop! alright fine, what do you want me to help you with?" alya asked genuinely confused.

"its about james, you know and how he's ignoring me!" prim said stating the obvious.

"oh that," alya muttered her confused face turning into a sly smirk. "i think you should talk to him because it's obvious he isn't going to talk to you by will," alya said continuing taking her notes.

"alright, i'll do it," prim muttered.

finally prim was over this nonsense and decided to go up to james, and make him talk wether he liked it or not. 

prim stomped up to james after charms class, she grabbed him by the ear and walked into an empty classroom. 

"ow, ow ow, OW WOMAN STOP PULLING MY EAR!" james shouted once prim pulled him in and slammed the door shut.

"what in the bloody hell are you doing ignoring me? your acting like i have cooties or something!" prim shouted waving her arms like a lunatic.

"well," james said starting his sentence and running his hand through his hair nervously making it even more messier than it was "we both know what we saw, and i was just waiting for you to confront me!" james said getting louder by the minute.

"oh, well i was waiting for the same thing, what a coincidence," prim said with a fake smile and rolling her eyes.

"we both know what happens when people have a shared patronus, so..." james said starting of the sentence with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"yeah yea," prim said like she was stating the obvious, "matching or complimenting patronus are often produced by witches or wizards that are connected through love and therefore through happiness. as the patronus charm is created through happiness this constructs the image of the corporal to take the form of the person you have a certain spiritual connection with. this connection can also be formed from an intense longing for each other; that the certain witch or wizard are unable to achieve." prim finished blushing at her words while james had a smug grin on his face.

"well, i certainly don't mind being your soulmate," james stated coming closer to prim.

she flushed with red cheeks and quickly dodged james, "we still have a 25% chance of not being soulmates, but i wouldn't mind being soulmates, and the only way we know for sure is if out patronus' are connected." prim said muttering the last part, but unfortunately a certain raven-haired boy heard and saw her red cheeks, so his pout turned into a proud smirk.

james walked behind prim, his breath ran down her back and she shuddered, he saw this and his smirk turned even bigger, "we will just have to see then won't we?". his breath tickled her ear before he left leaving prim a flustered mess.

once he left the room he did his little happy dance knowing that prim was probably his soulmate.

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