chapter eight

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"this'll liven you up, padfoot,"


prim had been spending much more time with her friends from childhood, lily and severus. prim saw the good in severus even when no one else didn't, whenever people tried to hex him prim would always intervene and use her favorite bat-bogey hex. as a result of prim's kindness and beauty, severus has had a crush on prim ever since the three were friends and they all lived in the same muggle neighborhood. they met at a park under a tree when prim was running away from her sisters and her sister's friends, they were calling her 'freak' and she ran away under a tree. she met severus and made a rose appear out of her palm and twirl. severus then made a leaf and made it fly over to her. 

the great hall was filled with students taking their exams, the hall was filled with the sounds of scratching quills and the occasional rustle as somebody adjusted their parchment. sunshine was streaming though the high windows onto the bent heads, which shone chestnut and copper and gold in the bright light. severus was at a couple table behind the marauders. he had a stringy, pallid look about him, like a plant kept in the dark. his hair was lank and greasy and was flopping onto the table, his hooked nose barely half an inch from the surface of the parchment as he scribbled. 

"five more minutes!" professor flitwick shouted. he was moving between desks and he was walking past a boy with untidy black hair. 

the black-haired boy was straightening up now, putting down his quill, pulling his roll of parchment toward him so as to re-read what he had written. he looked across the hall and started admiring a certain ginger. the light shined through the windows and reflected on the beauty's face lighting up every prominent feature on her face. she looked like a goddess with her emerald green eyes reading through what she scribbled and her eyebrows furrowing over a certain problem she doesn't understand. she ran a hand through her blazing red hair when she got to a problem she didn't know and her nose twitched ever so slightly. her foot tapped on the ground and her freckles shined from the reflection of the golden sun. 

james snapped out of his daze and looked back to his paper with a still awed and dazed expression. prim looked at james when he wasn't looking at her. she ran her eyes over his face and the way he yawned and rumpled up his hair, making it even messier than it had been. prim wasn't going to lie when she thought that he looked hot when he rumpled his hair and had the 'effortless messy hair look' . she looked at his hazel eyes and his defined jawline and shook her head clear of her thoughts and returned to her paper. 

then, with a glance towards professor flitwick, he turned in his seat and grinned at the boy sitting four seats behind him. sirius gave james a thumbs up. sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance, and a girl sitting behind him eyeing him hopefully, though he didn't seem to notice. and two seats along from this girl was remus lupin. he looked rather pale and peaky and was absorbed in the exam; as he reread his answers he scratched his chin with the end of his quill, frowning slightly. a couple seats over from remus sat peter pettigrew. peter looked anxious; he was chewing his fingernails, staring down at his paper, scuffing the ground with his toes. every now and then he glanced hopefully at his neighbor's paper. james was now doodling on a bit of scrap parchment. he had drawn a snitch and was now tracing the letters p. k. 

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