chapter five

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"ok sure potter, whatever helps you sleep at night," 


the next week goes by and the same thing happened every day. james would ask primrose out, she would shout no, and he would just leave with a wink and a smirk. though primrose would never admit it, she could see her self falling for him more each day. 

this week is different though, the captain james is holding quidditch tryouts for team and prim is so excited for it. quidditch is one of the things she prides herself most on. she loves the feeling of her hair whipping through the cold air. the sense of freedom when flying through the air that she can't get anywhere else, and above all her competitiveness makes her like a lion. she might be sweet but the minute she steps onto the court her face goes stone hard and she is not going to back down. 

prim plays seeker and is in love with her position. of course james makes the team every year as a chaser, and prim admits that he is actually really good. also, of course prim has made the team every year too since second year.

"hey prim, are you excited you have quidditch today?" alya asked while stuffing her face with pancakes.

"yeah, i'm really excited, just not excited about the fact that james is the captain and i have to spend a whole three hours with him," prim says while adding blueberries to her oatmeal.

"mmmm, idk prim i think you have a little crush on potter...." alya teased prim with a grin on her face.

"DO NOT!" prim shouted.

the whole gryffindor table looked at the duo and of course prim caught james eyes and he winked at her and looked back to the marauders. all the gryffindor's looked confused and just went back to eating. 

"i'm going to go get ready for tryouts," prim groaned while getting up.

"you didn't deny it!" alya shouted while she was walking out of the great hall.

prim walked into the girls locker room which she had all to herself since she was the only girl on the team. she put on her quidditch uniform and tied her blazing read hair up into a messy bun. she walked out onto the court and got into line with the other students trying out. 

"alright! so i don't take any slackers and whatever you get don't come up and complain to me or i'm going to do something i will regret!" james shouted with a serious face.

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