chapter nine

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"you'll have to battle the sun first,"


severus snape was completely distraught after the incident two weeks ago. every night for about a week he would camp out at the gryffindor common room portrait and try to apologize to primrose, but she didn't buy his apology because he would always stay with his slytherin friends and let them call her a mudblood. he eventually gave up because he knew she was never going to forgive him.

primrose was sad and mad at the same time. she cried for days in her bed because she lost a friend and she would've never thought he would say something like that. she knew he would go right back to saying it so she wouldn't let him apologize. she was also mad at herself because she thought james changed and matured. she cursed herself for still liking james but she was still furious at him at the same time. 

james potter tried to apologize to primrose so many times. but every time she would glare and stomp away. that didn't stop him from hexing severus every time he tried to get near prim, and she didn't stop james. james decided that he was going to apologize, and he was going to make prim listen.

he took out the marauders map and until he found the name primrose knight with little feet underneath it. she was walking up towards the astronomy tower, so naturally he decided to follow under the invisibility cloak. 

she walked up the stairs and sat on the edge of the tower letting her feet dangle of the edge. she named the constellations and thought about her thoughts that were swarming her head.

james walked up the stairs and pulled off the invisibility cloak. 

she jumped and put a hand on her racing heart "blimey potter! dont do that again," she said sternly.

he put his hands in mock surrender and quietly asked "may i?" and gestured towards the spot next to her.

"sure why not," she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes for what felt like the one hundredth time that day. 

"im just going to start, so dont interrupt me until i finish......i know what i did to sniv- snape, was wrong and i shouldn't of done that. i was being ignorant and wasn't thinking about your feelings at the time. i was honestly, jealous, because you had been spending so much time with him so i wanted to take my anger out on snape. I still think what snape said was wrong and he deserves the hexes that i give him now. but, i shouldn't of taunted him at the time. i completely understand if you're still mad at me, but i just wanted to let you know that i am from the bottom of my heart sorry.

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