chapter two

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"hey pads, who is that girl?"


prim and alya were sitting in there compartment on the hogwarts express. yhey got to the train early because alya didn't want anyone seeing prim until they were in the great hall. prim and alya sat and ate chocolate frogs while talking. the two had the compartment to themselves and after talking they started reading. prim was sitting with her legs across the seat looking out the window with a book open. 

"hey, al?" prim said quietly.

"mmm," alya muttered while looking down at her  book.

"do you think that my 'make over' will actually work?" prim questioned.

"prim, look at you! you look like a bloody queen this year and if any blokes try and snatch you up you better choose a good one!" alya exclaimed.

"yeah, i'm waiting to find the right guy, i'm not dating anyone until I think he's right," prim said with confidence

when they finally arrived at the school they got their trunks and owls and headed towards the carriages. luckily they got a carriage by themselves and no one saw prim. 

alya and prim finally got up to their dorms. they shared a dorm with lily, marlene, and mary. they were nice and they talked occasionally to each other but they mostly just did their own thing. alya and prim were running late and once they got to the entrance of the great hall they slowed down. all of a sudden all eyes turned on prim. 

"who is that?"

"is that primrose knight?"

"bloody hell she's hot!"

"where has she been all these years?"

"umm...i dont like this very much why are they staring?" prim's eyes widened and she muttered to alya.

"just be like a bloody queen and act like you own the place," alya whispered.

prim and alya walked down to the gryffindor table with all eyes on her. she quickly sat down and started eating. meanwhile across the hall the marauders were discussing about her.

the marauders could only see the back of her head and a quick glance of her face. 

"hey pads, who is that girl?" james asked his best friend.

"idk but she's hot," sirius said while stuffing his face with food.

"guys cmon, thats primrose knight. i've talked to her a couple times in the library and she's nice," remus scoffed.

"oh c'mon moony lighten up maybe prongs will find a new girl," sirius said and then hid behind remus while james glared at him.

"i've never seen her around though, and she's a gryffindor!" james exclaimed.

"yeah she's not the most popular and she has her best friend alya," remus said to james.

"ooooooh does moony have a crush!" james teased.

"shut up prongs, i dont, that girl is for you," remus said while playfully punching james.

james laughed and played it off, and he couldn't really see her face, but little did he know when he did he wouldn't be able to stop looking at her.

primrose was overall happy with the results of her 'make over'. except for the fact that ten guys already came over and asked her out. but alya and prim had to quickly eat because there was a full moon tonight. 

and little did Prim know that she was going to meet a very special stag tonight.

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