chapter ten

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"i dont mind you being here all night."


primrose had always loved to holidays at her house. her sister always set aside her hatred for her and had a good time. they would decorate the tree and drink hot chocolate while watching muggle christmas movies.

she was not excited to be back to the orphanage, she had been there for three years now and every time there was no spirit, and she only got presents from her friends.

she walked down the snowy streets stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket. it was christmas eve and james' party was today, but she wanted to walk around before she left. she was wearing a green button up with a brown skirt and her red hair straightened. 

prim looked down at the book she smuggled out of the library near the orphanage as she strolled down the street. she read the blurb thoughtfully, unaware to the world around her and so james took his chance. 

james had decided to pick prim up and take her to the party, he spotted her walking down the street and decided to give her a fright. just normal james potter being obnoxious stuff. he crept up behind her and clapped his hands on her shoulders and at the same time yelled, "oi!"

prim dropped the book and whirled around and let her hand collide with whoever tried to hurt her. prim put her hands over her mouth in shock when she realized it was james, her hand already slapped him before her brain registered it was him.

"fucking hell," hissed james as he put his hand on his cheek, "i was only joking. bloody hell, that hurt."

"good," said prim as she picked her book up, "next time, don't mess with me."

"you're one tough girl," said james, praising her for it, although he still rubbed his sore and red cheek.

"are you alright?" asked prim with a laugh, taking a more empathetic approach because she did feel quite bad.

"i don't think i'll be able to play this weekend," said james, prim rolled her eyes and chuckled at his sarcastic comment,

"i think you'll be okay, pretty boy," 

james and prim made it back to the potter house and she walked over to the drinks to greet the boys.

"hello boys, how are you?" prim asked while grabbing a cup of butterbeer

"not fine actually, remus wont let me get another shot of firewhiskey," sirius pouted

"c'mon rem, let him have another one, its a party!" prim exclaimed trying to convince remus for the sake of sirius 

"it would be okay, if he hasn't already had 5 shots," remus said umanmused to the puppy eyes sirius was giving him.

prim patted remus back and said, "oh, then good luck remus, i'll leave you to him," making her way over to the stairs.

"what, i'm not drunk!" sirius yelled over the christmas music.

prim chuckled and shook her head to herself as she ascended up the stairs. she walked down the hall and came across a bedroom with two big doors. when she walked inside all she could see was gryffindor colors and quidditch posters. she walked around the room in awe admiring all the pictures on his desk.

"crazy isn't it," said james with a genuine smile, as he leaned on the doorframe.

prim jumped and turned around muttering "bloody hell, i thought i told you not to do that," and set the picture that was in her hands back on the desk.

"i see your admiring my room," james stated with an amused grin.

"yes, it's very...prideful to our house," prim said slowly and chuckled. "oh and here's this," she added, sliding the parchment out of her jean pocket and handing him it.

she looked at him admirably as he looked down at the parchment, reading her late reply to the gift he sent her.

prim's smile grew as his did, she watched his hazel eyes travel from left to right as he read. just as she hoped, he let out a laugh at what she'd said in the letter and it made her do the same.

"very funny," said james, he wanted to sound sarcastic but of course he was being genuine.

"i'll go then," shrugged prim, she went to walk past him to go to the door but just as she'd wanted him to, he put his arm out and planted his hand on the desk, not allowing her to go anywhere.

"not until i beat you at chess," said james, prim looked up at him and smirked.

"challenge accepted," nodded prim, "we'll be here all night, though."

"i dont mind you being here all night."

"i need to go," said prim after she looked at her watch and saw it was already past eleven and she had arrived there just past nine, "you didn't beat me."

"next time?" asked james with raised brows, prim rolled her eyes and laughed at him.

"you wish," snorted prim as the two got up from his bed.

"you not going to use the floo network?" asked james, watching the girl push the window open, finding it almost comical.

"and come back into the orphanage through a fire place, with a bunch of muggles watching? yeah, no," tutted prim as she climbed out the window to sit on the window ledge.

"careful," warned james as he rushed over to the window to hold onto her arm.

"i am," assured prim as she put her feet through the trellis wood, "see you at school."

"see you then," said james with an admirable grin on his face.

prim opened the door to the orphanage, walked up to her room and once she was done getting ready for the night she slid into the covers and recalled the moments that happened tonight. 

she laughed out loud as she thought about james' face when she beat him in chess for the second time that night. he always said he'd wonder how she always beat him. but like always she would tell him.

"magic, james,"

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