chapter eighteen

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"i fucked up bad didn't i?"


prim woke up to a warm feeling in her very cold hand. it was like fire spreading warmth throughout her body. she then realized that the hand was james' hand. she heard voices whispering around her as she tried to regain consciousness. 

"im scared pads, what if she never wakes up?"

"dont say that!"

"well- wait shut up! she's waking!"

prim slowly opened her eyes  and muttered one thing, "ow." 

sirius clapped and yelled excitingly, "yes! and she lives!", as he bounded over to prim from where he was standing. 

prim grimaced at the loud sound and bright lights. james smacked sirius upside the head as he whisper- yelled, "oi! shut the bloody hell up!"

sirius grinned sheepishly and muttered, "sorry prim,"

prim's lips twitched into a slight grin as she raised up and moved her hands to help her sit, "it's alright dickhead i'm up," she said with a slight raspy voice due to the screaming and inability to talk for awhile. 

prim felt warm strong hands stop her and lay her back down. she looked up and saw james with a stern look saying, "lay back down love, your in no shape to be moving,"

prim rolled her eyes and layed back down as she asked, "how long have i been here?"

the four marauders shared a nervous look as they looked at each other. peter spoke up very timidly and said, "erm, two months prim,"

"WHAT!", prim screamed as her eyes wide as wide as saucers.

"shhh!", remus said as he looked at her with a sad smile, "other people are in here prim, but yes, two months. after that day you've been in a coma,"

"but, that means the school term is almost over!" prim said with a pout as she thought about all the moment's she could've had with her friends. 

"sadly yes, but don't worry we will make all those moments up."


over the past couple of week's prim has healed back to her normal health.  over the time period she had all her friends around her helping her return to her normal state. more specifically james. he was there with her every moment he could be, and was majorly clingy. 

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