chapter seven

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"boys, i think she's warming up to me," 


today prim knew they they were making amortentia in potions class, she was mostly curious because she didn't know who she liked.

she decided to shake off the feeling and get to class. she walked through the dungeon and of course she ended up walking right behind james potter, sirius black, remus lupin and peter pettigrew. she kept muttering to alya about how she didn't want to go, but alya dragged her anyways.

right when alya walked into the classroom she got a big whiff of all different sorts of things. she smelled broomstick cleaner, fresh pinewood, vanilla, and treacle tart. she immediately thought james put way too much cologne on because the whole room smelled mainly of fresh pinewood. but all of those smells mixed together brought a sense of home to prim. she had a dazed look on her face as she found herself wanting more of the smell and loving the sense of comfort it brought her.

"primrose, my love, why did you put so much perfume on today?" james exclaimed while having a dreamily look on his face.

"me! look who's talking. this whole room smells like your cologne!" prim basically shouted at him.

james and prim looked over to see remus and sirius practically on the floor crying, and holding their stomachs from laughing so hard.

"WHAT?" james and prim shouted at the same time.

"nothing, you will see later, you will see," remus said while wiping the tears from his eyes and calming down.

prim huffed and seperated from the boys and took her seat next to alya. 

"alright class, so today were going to be making amortentia, you will complete it with the person next to you, you may begin now," professor slughorn said.

prim glanced over to the four marauders and james still had a confused expression on his face much like prim's, sirius and remus still were snickering silently with amused expressions. james and prim still hadn't figured out why they were laughing so hard earlier but she just ignored it and continued with her potion. 

once they all finished alya and and prim had a perfect amortentia potion right in front of them. 

"alright everyone, i have my own amortentia potion up her and I want you to come up and tell me what you smell," slughorn stated.

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