chapter thirteen

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"prim? primrose knight? the girl that has never had a detention before!" 


prim and alya were walking up the stairs on their way to the astronomy tower. they had a free period so they decided to just talk and walk.

"hey, fawn?" alya asked while turning her head to look over at prim.

"yes, al?" replied prim looking up from the ground.

"well i was just wondering," said prim a growing smirk on her face, "did you ever find out who the stag was?"

"oh no not this again," prim murmured,

they got to the astronomy tower and both took a seat at the ledge, looking at the stars. prim always loved looking at the stars, she could name all of them and always thought of the same thing her mother always tells her. they would always lay out in her lawn and stargaze together. she didn't think of them as stars but she thought of them as more.

stars are like us, 

they don't know their place,

they just know what they are, 

others see them as tiny useless balls,

but others see them as strong, gigantic balls of gas that have

confidence to appear at night, 

like us.

"well, if you ever do find out who it is, whoever it is, is probably your soulmate," alya said starting to go into her usual rants about something she read about, "i once read that whoever has a matching patronus with you is your soulmate, and 75% of the time your animagus form is the same form as your patronus. so that means that it is 75% likely that whoever the stag is, will be your soulmate." prim finished taking a huff of breath, then smiling widely at prim who looked very conflicted staring at the sky.

"i doubt i'll ever find out who it is, last time i tried i got a concussion, so," prim muttered looking very down.

"lucky for you," alya said while playfully shoving prim's arm, "i have a plan," alya said with a sly grin.

"go for it," prim said while smiling and pointing finger guns at alya.

alya rolled her eyes and started saying her plan "ok, so first i will transform first obviously since theres a full moon tonight. you will change into your doe form and look for the stag once, once you find him you have to do a special movement to get him to transform into himself again. don't ask where i found this out but i just read it in a book from the restricted section," alya said and prim gaped and looked at her with stern eyes, "anyways as i was saying, you have to slowly walk up to him and let him out his forehead on yours, then you have to put you forehead onto his too and draw and quickly draw a circle around both of your front feet using your hoove. once thats done quickly put your front hoove onto his chest and then back up once he transforms. now remember after you draw the circle you have to go super quickly because he will sense something is wrong,"

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