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hello everyone!

omg it's been a very long while. so i know i haven't updated this story in FOREVER. but dont worry, i'm back. so recently i've been super caught up with school and family things i haven't been able to update. i also haven't been very motivated at all either. but coming back and seeing all these comment's and everyone loving this story makes me want to start writing it again. 

there are some things i'm not happy with when i started this story. i have matured a lot from when i started writing this, which was about almost two years ago. i wish i would've separated my oc from lily evans. i kind of made primrose exactly like lily which i wish i didn't do. hopefully when i finish this story or before i even start writing again, i can go back and change some things. for example i want to change the face claim to a diff person, preferably with brown hair because i want to kind of make her similar to me. this is because primrose's personality is like myself and i kind of represented that when i wrote. 

if i didn't change her face claim i would do none so that you guys could imagine the oc to whatever you would like. so you can be more imaginative. i also want to add more characters and change up a lot of the scenes and moments exactly from lily evans life. for example her family history. 

so with that said i think i am going to start writing soon, and hopefully my writing is better since i have had time off. i know where i am now going with this story, and i am wishing to bring out a new chapter this week. NOW bear with me guys i am going to try and upload as often as i can but i still have school and soccer and a lot of other things. but i am mainly coming back because i'm motivated again. 

also thank you guys so much for supporting my story and commenting/sharing! i have come back to all these nice comments saying wonderful things even tho my writing was not the best haha. but it makes me so happy and you guys are the reason i'm going to start writing again and finish this story!!

ONE LAST THING. how would you guys like the story to end. happy with no one dying, sad like the normal ending, or leave it up to your imagination?

take care loves! 

yours xx, 

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