chapter four

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"oh, uh, i'm primrose knight,"


right when james got back with the other maurauders he immediately started thinking about the doe he saw.

"you alright mate, you seem a little dazed off?" sirius said to james while they were walking remus to the hospital.

"yeah, yeah, i'm alright," james murmured.

"dont lie to me prongs, i know when your lying!" sirius exclaimed.

they walked into the hospital wing and set remus on a bed.

"it's you think that there could be other animagus at the school? like illegal animagus? james asked sirius.

"i highly doubt that's possible, but it could be true, and the person would have to have a good reason for becoming one," remus said while not looking up from his book.

"moony i'm serious!" james pouted bringing his hands up then down like a child.

"no i'm sirius," sirius grinned.

"ugh, how do i put up with you guys," remus murmured while face palming his forehead.

primrose and alya were walking to class and the stag that prim had met was on her mind the whole night.

"prim, i'm not dumb, what's bothering you! you didn't even eat your oatmeal with berries you have had for breakfast every morning ever since you became an animagus!" alya exclaimed putting her hands on prim's shoulder and shaking them.

"ok fine, so I dont know how to explain this but, do you think there could be other animagus at the school here?" prim said quietly.

"maybe, but why?" alya asked.

"well, last night when i was watching over the shack, i saw something move and so i decided to follow it, and when u did it was a stag, but it wasn't an ordinary stag," prim said not keeping eye contact with alya.

"how do you know it wasn't an ordinary stag?" alya asked prim.

"because i don't think an ordinary stag would let me walk up to it and touch our foreheads together!" prim exclaimed.

"woah, well what else did you notice about it?" alya asked while giving prim an exited grin.

"well, it had these hazel eyes that I could stare into forever, and i could feel the stag having real emotion, like it was curious too," prim stated.

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