chapter three

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"that wasn't some ordinary deer,"


primrose stayed up all night pretending to be asleep. all of her doormate's were asleep except for her and alya. once it was half till midnight they snuck out of their dorm and made their way to the forbidden forest. once they were far enough in prim transformed into her doe and made her way along the forest with alya. once they got to their 'shack' or thats what they like to call it, alya went into the room she always stays in and then her transformation started. 

primrose usually stays outside until the transformation and goes inside to help distract the poor werewolf. but this time right before she went inside she heard something. she decided to follow the noise to make sure that no one was listening or watching. she slowly canters over to the area a couple yards from the hidden shack. she moves and hears a twig crack. her head whips over to where the noise came from and her ears go straight up and twitch. she see's what looks like......antlers, or prongs? she quickly prances over to the spot she heard the noise and see's a proud stag standing there with it's eyes wide open like it got caught with it's hand in the cookie jar. 

the stag starts to run, and so does prim. she prances gracefully over logs and zig zag's through the tree's trying to cut of the stag. the stag just keeps running and she is having a hard time keeping up. but soon enough with a bolt of energy. prim leaps and tackles the stag. they both quickly get up and start staring at each other. prim feel's some sort of emotion that she is unfamiliar with. it feels like something deep inside her stomach erupted and is finally free. the stars seem to shine brighter in the dead of the dark night. the trees around her seem to starts swaying slowly and everything seems to get quiet. slowly both the stag and doe start moving towards each other once they get close enough they both lean their heads against each other very slowly. the touch seem's electrifying and it feels like thousands of sparks start flowing through her veins. they stand there for a while with their foreheads against each other. all of a sudden there is a howl that comes from behind the doe. then in response there is another howl from behind the stag. they both bolt straight up and leave with one last glance to each other. the stag and doe both prance quickly off leaving them to their thoughts. each of them thought the same thing.

'that wasn't some ordinary deer,'

𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠.Where stories live. Discover now