窝呃严伟西安德塔 第07集: 你又救了我一命

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You Saved My Life Again
~ One wave is not equal and one wave rises again. The breach of contract was solved. It has always been the rival of Blue Ocean, Liuguang Group and came to the door in the name of jewellery design copyright plagiarism. Tang Qi of Liuguang Group asked Shen Man Ning to pay a huge amount of compensation for plagiarism. Yan Xing Cheng saw through that Tang Qi was to pull Blue Ocean Group into the industry blacklist, so as to suppress the stock price and swallow Blue Ocean's ultimate purpose.

Shen Man Ning burst into courage and asked Yan Xing Cheng to recover the jewellery sent to the international exhibition. Yan Xing Cheng was moved by her and went to recover the jewellery with the two assistants separately, preparing to take back the exhibition jewellery. Shen Man Ning also revised the picture with Lin Mu Fan, hoping to resolve the copyright incident again. But I didn't expect that someone secretly put foreign body smoke cakes in the ventilation duct. Shen Man Ning was locked in the office and fainted by inhaling thick smoke.

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