爱我爱我的声音 第04集: 顾声与锖青磁在录音室见面

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《Gu Sheng And Qiang Qing Ci Met in The Recording Studio》
Dong Yi Ru is a part-time worker at Gu Sheng's family supermarket. She is a loyal fan of Qing Qing Ci, always keeping an eye on his activities. When she noticed that he followed Sheng Sheng Man, she felt something was amiss. Unaware that Sheng Sheng Man was Gu Sheng, she came to help Gu Sheng understand dubbing knowledge. Gu Sheng couldn't explain the situation and could only vaguely agree. Dong Yi Ru discussed Qing Qing Ci with her friends. They had prepared a song to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Perfect Dubbing. Qing Qing Ci followed and shared it. When fans asked about his personal life, Qing Qing Ci said he was trying hard, indicating he was in the process of falling in love. Dong Yi Ru and her friends speculated that Sheng Sheng Man was the person Qing Qing Ci was interested in.

Gu Sheng couldn't deny it and while she felt a bit pleased, upon careful consideration, she thought Qing Qing Ci's concern for her was just professional cooperation. It was herself who had some unwarranted thoughts. Thinking about this, Gu Sheng couldn't help but blush. Just as her father arrived to take over, Dong Yi Ru asked about her red face. Gu Sheng could only blame it on the supermarket's air conditioning.

Back home, Qing Qing Ci sent a WeChat message as a friendly greeting because Gu Sheng had just finished arranging a song. Qing Qing Ci spontaneously recited a fantastic part of it, captivating Gu Sheng. They chatted back and forth and Qing Qing Ci suggested Gu Sheng use sesame oil to protect her throat. Later, he found typing too tiring and switched to a voice message. Gu Sheng was a bit nervous and didn't know what to say. Seeing some conch her mom bought in the kitchen, she sent Qing Qing Ci a recipe, who appreciatively responded that her message made him hungry. Gu Sheng apologized in a somewhat puzzled manner.

The new intern, Xi You, was also a big fan of Qing Qing Ci. When he first saw Mo Qing Cheng and confirmed his identity, he was ecstatic. After returning, he posted on Weibo, praising Qing Qing Ci's handsome looks without revealing too much due to a confidentiality agreement. Gu Sheng saw this and felt a bit proud. The club president asked if she was curious about Qing Qing Ci's appearance. She claimed not to be curious and was more concerned about the demo of the song she recorded. The previous recording didn't turn out well and she wanted to redo it in the club's recording studio. At this moment, Qing Qing Ci messaged her, inviting her to the Perfect Dubbing recording studio on Sunday for the song recording. Gu Sheng was excited as it meant she would finally meet Qing Qing Ci in person.

On Saturday night, Gu Sheng couldn't sleep and, on Sunday morning, arrived at Perfect Dubbing early. Feeling it might be too early, she entered the studio at the exact time. Everyone was curious about Sheng Sheng Man's identity. Seeing Gu Sheng's beauty and friendliness, they approached to chat. Dou Dou Dou Bing was worried they might scare Gu Sheng and rushed over to help. She informed Gu Sheng that Qing Qing Ci would be a bit late due to some unexpected matters and asked her to wait.

Gu Sheng, entering such a high-end recording studio for the first time, felt a bit uncomfortable. With the guidance of the recording engineer, Mao Ge, she gradually relaxed and started singing her part of the song. Everyone was captivated by her beautiful voice. Mo Qing Cheng rushed back, eager to see Sheng Sheng Man's true appearance. When they met, both were stunned. It turned out this wasn't their first encounter, the supermarket incident was.

Everyone started teasing, believing there must be something between them. Mo Qing Cheng explained that it was just a coincidence initially. Later, they got into the main topic, with Mo Qing Cheng helping Gu Sheng allocate the content of the song and teaching her how to relax. Outside, everyone was watching, seemingly eager to catch any gossip between the two.

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