窝呃严伟西安德塔 第09集: 闺蜜发现假千金身份

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Girlfriend Discovers Fake Daughter Identity
~ Rao Mei Na recognized that Shen Man Ning wasn't Zhuang Xin Yan and almost broke the engagement. Yuan Shuai and Fang Xiang, Yan Xing Cheng's two partners, carried Rao Mei Na out of the engagement scene. In order not to let Mei Na go to Shen Man Ning, Fang Xiang wanted to accidentally kiss Mei Na. What surprised everyone more was that Tang Lin, the sister of Tang Qi of Liuguang Group, also saw the relationship between Mei Na and Shen Man Ning.

Tang Lin doubted Shen Man Ning's real identity and she approached Yan Xing Cheng and wanted to snatch Yan Xing Cheng from Shen Man Ning. After the engagement ceremony, Yan Xing Cheng felt that the situation began to become serious. Shen Man Ning wasn't Zhuang Xin Yan's identity and was gradually about to be exposed. He wanted to slowly expose the plan and find a way to send Shen Man Ning out of the banker, but before he began to make an envoy, Tang Lin first broke into the door in the name of cooperation.

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