窝呃严伟西安德塔 第24集 (结局): 以爱之名让玫瑰绽放

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《I Said I Never Loved You》
~ Shen Hong Liang explained that he didn't hurt Yan Xing Cheng's parents, but he was at the scene of the car accident. Yan Xing Cheng was so angry that he pushed away Shen Man Ning who was chasing him. Shen Man Ning thought that his father was dissatisfied with his son-in-law and tried to persuade Yan Xing Cheng, but Yan Xing Cheng broke up with her directly. Shen Man Ning didn't know Yan Xing Cheng's secret buried in his heart and the two hurt each other and said goodbye on the coast.

Yan Xing Cheng bore all the pain alone and didn't intend to tell Shen Man Ning the truth. Shen Hong Liang decided to take Man Ning away, but Yan Xing Cheng suddenly learned the news that Zhuang Jia Kai had regained control of Lan Hai. Yan Xing Cheng rushed to the Blue Ocean Group and showed his mother's private seal, but unexpectedly, the shareholders' meeting refused to recognize it, Mr. Zhuang also had a violent conflict with his youngest daughter Zhuang Cai Xuan. Zhuang Cai Xuan burned all the freshly planted flowers in the greenhouse with potion and scolded her father for being partial to her sister, making her unable to hold her head up for the rest of her life. Mr. Zhuang had a heart attack and fell to the ground.

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