窝呃严伟西安德塔 第16集: 沈漫宁抢婚成功

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Shen Man Ning Successfully Snatched The Marriage
~ Shen Man Ning confirmed that it was Yan Xing Cheng who rescued her. She rushed to the engagement wedding scene desperately and mustered up the courage to confess to Yan Xing. The two kissed to confirm their love at the engagement ceremony, Yan Xing Cheng left everything behind and left hand in hand with Shen Man Ning. The two finally broke through many obstacles, the shadows in their hearts and recognized each other's love. Yan Xing Cheng revealed all the secrets of his life experience and the responsibilities he carried.

Shen Man Ning was distressed and couldn't bear it, comforting him and wanting to join hands with him to find the truth about the car accident between him and his parents. Rao Mei Na also heard the past of Yan Xing Cheng and Fang Xiang Yuan in Italy and understood the true brotherhood of the three. The relationship between Yan Xing Cheng and Shen Man Ning has grown rapidly. Not only has they regained control of the Blue Ocean Group, but they have also grown closer and sweeter.

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