Chapter 2- Mates part 2

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Above is a picture of what I imagine Wesleys mom to look like. I do not own that picture I just got it from google. I hope you enjoy.

Storm's POV

'I just had the best sex in my life with my mate,' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to my to second period.
I know what you might be thinking.
'So soon,' but I couldn't help myself. Wesley was just so sexy.
I had been coming from an important meeting with my father, the pack counsel ,and my soon to be Beta and best friend Oni. We were discussing the topic that my father allowed vampires to live on pack grounds. It had been bad enough our pack communicated with those bloodsuckers, but to be living as equals with them on the same land. That was something else, it was unnatural.
'But it's for the best? No more wars with unnecessary deaths?' my wolf Zed stated .
'Well yeah, but.....' I trailed off.
Zed was right, as much I hate to admit it he was right. Our pack, Dark Moon has lost to many warriors, many families have been torn apart. And for what a war that made no sense. My father did what he thought was best for our pack and who doesn't see it that way are stupid, and I wasn't about to let my pack suffer because I didn't like werewolves.
I was on my way to my first class gym, trying to hurry as I was late. Suddenly a sweet scent of vanilla and coconuts with a hint of mint filled my nostril. The smell was amazing, it didn't smell like a werewolf or a bloodsucker. It didn't even smell like a human, the smell was better, way better. Zed was going crazy in my mind jumping around howling, yelling (how best a wolf could yell).
"Mate, mate find her, find her now!" Zed shouted in my mind. He even tried to take control but pushed his horny ass down and kept walking to class. I wasn't really that interested in finding my mate. Why you may ask, well that easy I don't want to lose her so its best I don't meet her. Meeting her now means that I'm dragging her into my messed up world and I wouldn't always be there to protect her. And if anything happened to my mate because of me I wouldn't be able to continue. So it's best that I didn't meet her.
'Please, please find her, I need her,' Zed begged.
' Ugh, fine I'm only doing this because you asked me to. But if something happens to her just know that it's your fault.'
No response.
Oh goddess why did you curse me with Zed. Every step I took towards the gym the scent grew stronger so I guess my mate and I had gym together. I stood in front of the gym doors and before I could open them I heard teenagers shouting at each other. One voice was a girl's voice that I did not recognize, maybe she was a vampire. And the second voice was one I'd know anywhere. It was the voice of Darrel, Oni's younger twin brother. I was about to walk away because I didn't want to be part of that. My mates in the school so I'd see her sometime right. That's until I heard growls and hisses causing me to immediately rush in with a loud comment to get everyone's attention.
'Cocky much?'
'Shut up,'
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" I remember shouting. Making every being in the room cower away and bow their heads in respect as I enter the middle of the brawl. My eyes scanned the room. At first I noticed the girl that I heard before. She definitely was a bloodsucker, with her black hair and green emerald eyes the main features of all vampires belonging to the Von Stein clan. She was Asian descent or maybe japanese and she wore an unusual outfit that consisted of an oversized jersey and black sweats. She was maybe about 4'3 meaning she's really short. Next my eyes fell on Darrel but he avoided eye contact as stared at his shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world. I scanned the room with a stern frown until my eyes landed on him.
'Mate, that's him,' Zed stated, causing my gaze to soften. Our mate was gorgeous he was....
'Wait 'he 'my mates a guy I'm not gay.'
'It doesn't matter. Guy, girl, cat, he's still our mate. And he's perfect.'
' Gosh you sound like some teenage with a crush.'
' Shut up, now let's go kiss and embrace our mate, I want him.'
'We can't do that here.'
'Why the hell not?'
'Because dickhead it's against werewolf and vampire law for us to mate. Going up and kissing him in front of everyone is a death sentence. We have to be smart.'
'I don't give a fuck. That's our mate right there and I want him law no law I want him.'
'Shut up let me think!'
I soon realized that I was staring at my mate and my mate and everyone else in the room were staring at me. So I played it cool I placed back on my hard glare before I called out the two who I assumed started the argument. And in the midst of that I called out my mate, I had the best plan no one would question my choices.
After the four of us walked into the halls I ordered Darrel and the vampire girl to go to the office. I kept my mate back because I wanted to get him alone. Of course the vampire girl tried to object, but I gave her one of my glares and she stayed quiet. Thank the goddess my mate did what he was told, because he helped my plan work out. I got to fuck him in the furthers male bathroom from the main halls that I could think of.
I loved hearing him moan or how his hole clenched around my dick. I also loved hearing my name escape his lips or how he begged me to fuck him or how he screamed my name.
After we got dressed I expected him to run away from me or be upset. Instead he gave me his number and he took mine, and right before he left he gave me a goodbye kiss. ( I know what you may be thinking, who in their right mind has sex with someone they just met.)
Well in my species, its very common for mates to have sex as soon as they meet. Although over the years, it has been practiced to only have sexual intercourse with your mate on the night of your mating ceremony. But what can I say, my mate was irresistible.
I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Oni calling my name and waving his hand in front of my face.
"Storm, Storm are you alright man?" I soon came back to reality noticing that everyone in class including Mr. Delay was giving me stares. So to settle their nerves I gave a nervous laugh and said the first thing that came to my head.
" Um.. I really hate English. No offence Mr. Delay ."
Mr. Delay narrowed his eyes at me and the class laughed off the awkwardness.
"Good to know Mr. Jones, now class as I was saying.." And again I zooned out.
The only thing on my mind was my sexy mate, and the fact that only a few hours ago I had him moaning my name, as I fucked his brains out.

Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed it. What did you guys think about Storm? Did you like him? Do you think that its normal to have sex when you just met? Tell me in the comments bye and stay safe😇


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