Chapter 25- The Past

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This chapter is in Newell's POV, and will be set in the past for a while. And when you see the asterisk that means that we're back to the present. Enjoy

Master Newell's POV

"Your my mate Newell,"

Those were the words that started everything. Just those few words were the start of war. It was those words that thore me away from my best friends and the one that I loved.

"Newell, did you hear me?" He asked, immediately snapping me out of my shocked state.

"Oh yeah, yeah. What did you just say?" I nervously asked even though I clearly heard what he said. Killian looked down at me with eyes filled with so much love and admiration. That my heart felt like it was going to burst from happiness

"I said that you're my mate and I love you," he replied, causing my breath to hitch.

We were both silent for a while before Killian spoke again.

"Do you love me?" He hopefully asked, and by just looking into his eyes. I found myself denying my actual feelings towards him. So I mustered up all my strength and told that I felt the same way about him. And since then we've been dating and we would secretly meet up in the woods, sometimes along with Jack and Lucy to hang out. And even though we were all of the different species we could care less. It didn't even matter that Lucy and I were centuries older than Killian and Jack. Because we were happy and I wanted it to stay that way. But as you know all good things must come to an end, if our relationship was nearing expiration.

"Newell, you need to stop seeing Killian," I remembered Lucy telling me one day as we were in our favourite secret spot near the River Of Artemis.

"What?" I was totally confused as to why my best friend would say something like that. I stared at Lucy as she stared back at me.

"You need to stop seeing Killian and we need to stop hanging out with Jack," she repeated a bit louder as if I didn't hear her the first time she spoke such nonsense.


Lucy sighed before she looked up at the sun that was peeking through the top of the trees.

"Because my dad found out and he's going to tell the pack and have Killian and Jack killed. But he informed me that if you agree to our wedding and stop seeing them that he'd forget about it all," she stated, only causing my eyes to widen so much that it was beginning to kind of hurt.
I couldn't believe it. I had to choose between my lover's life or our happiness.
I was full out crying at this point as different thoughts ran through my mind.
I couldn't, could I?
No, I couldn't do this to killian.
I loved him even though I was older than him, but I was basically a teenager in the vampire age.
Could I do this to him?
Could I break his heart and in turn brake mine.
After his many times of telling me how much he loved and treasured me.
After all the times he kissed me like it was our last kiss.
After the times he hugged me when I had nightmares about my multiple wars that I'd had fought in.
Could I just leave him just like that?

All of those thoughts went through my mind before I came up with an answer. And even if it pained me to say it, I had to protect him. So I did.
"Ok," was my depressingly soft answer and by the way Lucy released a sad sigh, she wasn't very happy with my reply. But we both knew that we had to protect them while Lucy was protecting a best friend. I was protecting a lover and there was no way he would die because of me.
"So you're going to talk to Killian right?" Lucy whispered as she wiped away my straying tears. And because I was crying like some kid who broke his hand I didn't answer and instead just nodded.

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