Chapter 8- The cottage

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Storm’s POV

We’ve been running for an hour now non-stop and to be honest I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was take a nap on my soft bed with my beautiful pregnant mate in my arms. 
He was just so brave. Losing his twin brother at a young age and now his clan was after us. I couldn’t help but envy his bravery and emotional strength. Because I knew if I had to go through half of what my mate went through I would have been so damn broken. I was just really happy that I was here with him, to help make his load just a little bit lighter. 
Or a little bit heavier,” Zed chuckled in my mind. 
'Shut up asshole!' I shouted back at him and he obeyed, thankfully. 
We ran for a half an hour longer, before we arrived at this beautiful sunflower meadow that was surrounded by the dark forest.    
In the back middle of the meadow sat  a pretty small modern cottage with a clean wooden fence around it. It had white stucco walls and a small cozy balcony with a small sofa in it. And a tiny vegetable garden. 
My eyes widened in surprise as I heard Markus and Wesley ‘wow and oh' in awe. 
“This used to be my grandparents cottage. No one comes here or thinks about this place anymore, so you'll be safe here. Also my grandmother was a witch so the cottage has a protection spell on it. The place might need a little dusting because it hasn’t been used in a while. I promise it's clean though. Since Yuan and I come and clean every month,” Mary-kay stated with a soft smile. 
“You guys can be happy here and raise your kid. Markus and I will try to visit every now and then. But you know that our clan's going to go through questioning, and since we're friends with Wesley we'd be under surveillance 24/7. But I promise we'd  bring some food and blood supplies for you and Wesley and I promise to keep you guys a secret," she finished and I nodded my wolf head in understanding. 
I then laid down so Wesley could get off of me. After I shifted he handed me my clothes and I gave him a grateful smile.
He blushed and turned back to face Mary-kay who spoke again. 
“Oh and before I forget, here Wesley there’s some blood bags in there that I stole from home after Storm told me what happened and the keys are in there also,” Mary-kay stated as she handed Wesley her pink ni hao kai lan school bag. 
'She's such a kid,' Zed mucked.
“Thank you,” Wesley said and Mary-kay nodded. 
“Well we can’t stay any longer or the master would get suspicious,” Markus stated before he walked up to me with a hard look. 
“Storm, this is my best friend, you better guard him with your life or I swear to the goddess we’ll have a never ending war,” Markus threatened while Wesley chuckled. 
I nodded. 
“I swear to the goddess that I will protect my mate with my life,” I stated and Markus nodded before he pulled Wesley into a hug. 
“I love you Wes, good luck,” he stated and I tried not to be possessive at this moment. 
“I love you to Mark and thank you for your help,” Wesley replied as he hugged Markus tightly. 
Markus released Wesley only for Mary-kay to take his place. 
“Please be safe Wesley, you and Mark are like brothers to me. I can't lose you guys. And I promise to bring you blood ok?” 
"Emm and thank you so much for your help," Wesley thanked.
They then parted before Mary-kay placed a kiss on Wesley’s forehead while Markus gave Wesley a playful punch on his arm. 
Mary-kay then turned to me. 
“Please take care of Wesley Alpha Storm?” she asked, her eyes glossy with tears. 
“I promise to miss Asian,” I started with a smirk. Mary-kay glared at me before she shouted.
"I'm Japanese not Asian idiot!"
I shrugged who really gave a fuck.
Mary-kay sighed in defeat before she and Markus bid us farewell as they disappeared back into the forest.   
After they left I took Wesley’s hand in mine and guided him to the cottage.
Our new home.
He smiled up at me as he gladly allowed me to lead him up to the small porch and to the front door.  
Wesley took the keys out of the bag that he got from Mary-kay and unlocked the white door. He then pushed it open to reveal the clean and welcoming inside of the cottage . 
Upon entering the first thing I noticed was how small but cozy the inside of the cottage was. 
The living room was small with three leather recliners  and a wooden center table. There were also old pictures of the couple that lived here before on shelves above the fireplace. In the left corner of the fireplace sat a tv stand that held a small flat screen tv. While on the right side of the fireplace stood a small cabinet with a picture and other stuff on it. There was a small square dining table in the far right corner of the fireplace in front of a glass door cabinet that was filled with different types of wines. The living room was really nice, and I got curious about how the rest of the house looked so I walked up the wooden stairs to the bedroom. 
The small cottage only held one bedroom, a toilet, kitchen, and living room. 
The bedroom was very nice and comfortable, and just like the rest of the house it smelt of vanilla and spice.  
In the bedroom was a big king size bed romantically set up. A small fireplace stood in the corner of the room with a TV on top of it. There was a soft white couch at the right side of the bed with a small white table in front of it. There was a silky velvet curtain that hung in front of a sliding glass door. 
I opened the glass door to see an  amazing view of the back yard. The back yard had a beautiful small pond where two chairs sat on top of it. 
I looked at my mate as he stared at the beautiful scenery before I took his hand and led him in the direction of the bathroom. 
I was at awe once again at the gorgeous bathroom this place had. 
There was a sink that was held above a lovely wooden cabinet. There were brand new toothbrushes that sat inside a small ceramic cup next to the sink. Above the sink sat to square mirrors and fancy lights. In front of the sink was a spacious bathtub.  Above the head of the bathtub was a towel holder and to the foot of the tub  under the window lay extra towels.
I looked down at my blushing mate with lust filled eyes before I slowly began to strip him. After he stood in his briefs in front of me, I proceeded to take it off.
He just stood there with a flushed face as I knelt down at his feet gently tugging his underwear down to his ankles . 
He gasped as my fingers purposely touched his already hard member.
I smirked.
Wes was just so damn cute, that I just wanted to allow all his worries to fade for one night as I pleasured him. 
After I stood up from taking off my mate's briefs I began to take off my clothes. I then turned on the water in the tub before I gently lifted my mate up and  into the warm water after getting in myself .
I pulled my mates back to my chest  before I planted a kiss on his naked shoulder. A moan escaped his lips as I continued to nibble and suck that special soft spot on his neck. 
My hands then snaked around his waist  slowly making its way down to fist his member. Wesley moaned as he put his head back on my shoulder. I smirked again before I began to quickly stroke him. Moans after moans came out of my mates mouth as I fist him. 
“Aaaa.....Storm I’m Cumming!” Wesley screamed as he came in my hand and thankfully not the tub. I smiled before I grabbed one of the spare towels and wiped my hand off. I then picked up the rose scented soap and yellow loafer before I slowly began to clean my still panting mate. 
After we bathed I placed on white bath robes on both Wesley and I before I carried him bridal style to our room. I took off our robes before I placed him on the soft bed. I then got in behind him pulling him to my chest. He turned in my arms to look up at me before he spoke the three words I always prayed to hear. 
“I love you,”  he whispered into my chest. 
I sighed satisfied at his answer as I buried my face in his soft black hair breathing in it's scent. I then kissed his forehead before I rested my chin on his head pulling him closer to me. 
“I love you too.” 
He relaxed more in my hold as his breathing began to slow.    
I really meant it I loved him, and  I'd be damned if I allowed anyone to take him away from me.

Thank you for reading my chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it. I just really wanted to tell my readers how much I appreciate you guys😘. There's one more chapter to come and then I'll be done for the day. That's all for now stay safe🙃

 That's all for now stay safe🙃 

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