Chapter 21- New Traitor

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A:/N Still giving Storm and Wesley's POV a break. So lets explore another new POV.

Darrel's POV(uhuh)

"I like Oni better."

"Oni's so cool."

"Oni's so hot."

"Oh Oni's our Beta."

"Oni's the hotter twin."

For fucks sake. We have the same goddess damn face. We're completly fucking identical, but yet they always pick him over me. So I want to know what Oni has that I don't have? What does he do that I don't? How does he get to have a hot mate that I want? And have cool friends but I don't. Why did Storm pick him over me? Why did everyone choose him over me?




I hate him, I hate Oni so much. That I want him to die. I want him to feel how I felt for the past eighteen years in his shadow. And with the help of the Night Walkers Pack, I'm going to do just that.

You may be thinking. Why are you so cruel and jealous? But if you were in my shoes. Living and your brother's shadow. I bet you'd do the same thing.

"Kid, keep up," Came Seth's voice, pulling me out of my thoughts. I shook my head in an attempt to cool my anger for my brother for now. Before I took in my surroundings. We were walking down a long hallway of the pack house. The floors were checkered like a chess board, while the walls were painted yellow and white. The halls were dimly lit but it was bright enough for me to see with my second pair of eyes.

We walked for a few more minutes before we came up to a big black door. The door looked out of place, as every other door was white or a light shade of yellow like the walls. Seth glimpsed at me over his shoulder, before he opened the door with a defeated sigh. Revealing a beautifully furnished room. The room was decorated like one of those meeting rooms that you'd see on tv. With a long black wooden table in the middle of the room. That was surrounded by soft seated chairs. On the walls were exquisite expensive looking paintings. And behind the head of the table where I assume that the Alpha would later sit. Was a big white marker board.

"Come," Seth ordered as he entered the room.

"This is the pack's planning room, the room where we discuss all our plans of action. You'll meet the rest of the main team in a while," Seth informed, before he took a seat on one of the chairs. I looked around the room confused as to what to do, before I looked back down at Seth who had taken out his phone and scrolled through it.

"Where do I sit?" I asked stupidly.

Seth looked up at me from his phone before he pointed to the seat next to him. I nodded before I made my way to my seat next to him.

The chair was really comfortable and I squashed around to get even more warmth. Seth looked down at me weirdly, rolling his eyes before looking back at his phone.

"Why are you doing this?" The bigger man asked, causing me to look up at him confused.

"Why am I doing what?" I asked confusedly.

Seth looked down at me before he spoke.

"Why are you betraying your friends and family?" He asked after he had placed his phone away. Giving me his attention.

"I told you, I don't like being second best," I replied blankly.

Seth looked over my face, searching for any emotion or a twitch. And when he received none. He looked away before he spoke.

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