Chapter 7- Go

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Above is a picture of Storm's wolf. I don't own the picture so:)

Wesley's POV

"Yes so apart from Wally's death, why don't we focus on the real problem at hand? That your dad sent warriors who are coming to take you to The River of Artemis," Markus stated with wild eyes.
I sighed before I felt Storm wrap his arms around me bringing me into his firm chest.
"I don't know what to do. It's against the law to mate with a werewolf or any other species beside our own," I stated as I slumped back into Storm's hold.
As we all were in deep thought the door to the room burst open.
I jumped.
"What the hell, I locked that," Markus groaned.
We all tensed but relaxed when we saw it was just Yuan.
"Big sister they're here get Wesley out of here!" Yuan shouted at his sister.
I stiffened.
'They were here. Where the hell would me and my pregnant ass go?' I asked myself.
"Take them where Yuan?" Mary-kay asked with a shaky voice.
Yuan thought for a minute before he whispered.
"Take them to the sunflower meadow. Remember grandma and grandpa had a small cottage there?"
Mary-kay thought for a moment before she grabbed my hand. Causing me to grab Storm's hand tugging him with me as Mary-kay tugged me.
We rushed through the emergence exit door that was located at the back of the classroom, and into the back of the school. Making our way past gates and signs I noticed that in the school's parking lot were five big black cars that I instantly knew belonged to the warriors.
We reached the head of the forest before Mary-kay stopped us.
"Stop!" she shouted.
"What Mary?" Markus asked, irritated, that she had stopped us from escaping.
Mary-kay rolled her eyes before she took out a bottle of rose scented perfume from her book bag that she had picked up last minute.
"Don't want them to smell us now do we asshole?" she asked before she practically bathed us in the sweet smelling liquid.
After she was satisfied with our covered scent she humm.
"Good now let's go," she stated.
I was about to take off before a hand rested firmly on my shoulder.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Wes?" Markus asked me.
I blinked.
"What the hell does it look like I'm doing genius?" I asked annoyed.
"Like you're trying to hurt your pregnant ass?" he whispered.
I glared at him and was about to open my mouth to protest before Storm spoke.
"You can ride me (A:/N Don't think nasty;) ok Wesley? I really don't want you getting hurt so please," he begged as he stretched out his hand.

I looked up into his pleading eyes before I took his hand with a nod of my head.
Storm smiled before he stepped back, stripped of his clothes and shifted into a ten foot black wolf with golden eyes.
I was at awe. This was the first time I've seen Storm in wolf form. And let me tell you, he was just as beautiful and calming as in his human form. My admiration got cut short when Markus cleared his throat.
I blushed as Storm's eyes fell on me before I slowly picked up his clothes. He laid down so I could get on before we took off.
'Oh goddess please protect us,' I prayed as I clenched Storm's soft fur.
I turned to see that Mary-kay and Markus was running right at our side.
Damn were they fast.
I just hoped we were fast enough to get away.

Thank you guys for reading my chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it. Since schools closed I've decided to update more frequently. That's all for now stay safe😜

 That's all for now stay safe😜

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