Chapter 1- Mates

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The picture above is what I imagine Wesley looking like. I have no right to that picture.
Ok, so I took out a huge part of the beginning of this chapter because I didn't know what to do about it and  I was just stuck. So sorry. :(
Sorry guys I added that piece back.

Wesley's POV

My heart pounded in my chest as I raced through the forest of the werewolf territory. My bare feet bled from the heavy contact with the hard floor as I ran at top speed. I could smell them, I could hear their hearts pounding in their chest as they chased me, so desperately trying to catch me. 
How did I end up here, how did I end up on the run from the warrior traitors of my clan and the traitors of the Dark Moon Pack?
Oh that's right I fell in love, I fell in love with a werewolf and not just any werewolf the alpha's son. Here's how this mess began.

"Wesley time to get up you have school!" I heard my mother shout from the kitchen downstairs making me groan and rollover. I did not want to go to school today or ever for that matter for two main reasons. One- I just transferred so I'd be new, and I hated being the new kid. And Two- we were in a town that was infested by werewolves. I mean one-third of the population is humans. But most of those humans were humans that were mated to werewolves. And I hated werewolves. Not that I ever met a werewolf to hate.
But I was a vampire and our two species were just natural-born enemies so...
Just as I was about to fall back into a wonderful slumber, my bedroom door slammed open.
Causing me to jump before I sat up to glare at my mother who stood in the doorway glaring back at me.
Her long black hair falling in curls at her shoulders as her bangs slid across her emerald green eyes.
I glared at her as her eyes glowed with an irritated red before they returned to their usual color as she narrowed them at me.
" Wesely Alexander Von Stein get your butt out of that bed, and go to school, before I ground you for the rest of eternity!" my mother warned. Her hand still clasped the door handle while her other hand rested firmly on her left hip.
I groaned again in frustration before I sluggishly got out of bed. My mother made a hum of satisfaction before she closed my door behind her as she exited my room.
As much as I didn't want to go to a school filled with smelly dogs and walking blood banks. I had no choice but to go. It was our master's wish that we become friends with the werewolves.
Guess natural-born enemies no longer count.
Our Master, Newell, decided that he was done with pointless wars between werewolves and vampires. So he wanted an alliance between our Clan and pack. But, the werewolves wanted to know how we could be trusted. They accused us by saying that we just wanted them to drop their guards and then we would attack when they least expect it. Which might I add would've been a darn good plan.
But that wasn't what our master, my father, had in mind. He wanted to live as equals with the Dark moon pack. So to show our loyalty to the Dark moon pack, Master Newell had our clan move onto the werewolf's territory.
So here we are one week later, living in a town that's partly run by werewolves. And our clans junior vampires attending a school that was infested with smelly dogs and stinky humans.
Nothing could go wrong right?
After I showered and rummaged through all my unpacked boxes for something to wear today. I agreed on a pair of black skinny-fitted jeans, a black tee, and my black leather jacket accompanied with my black fingerless gloves. I quickly grabbed my bag and black vans before I left my room.
Upon entering the kitchen I saw my mother pouring red liquid into two glasses, before sliding them down the island to me. I gladly took the glass muttering a 'thank you' before I chugged down the sweet metallic substance.
" So do you want me to drop you to school? I can do it since I have to pass there anyway?" my mother asked in her motherly voice as she piled our empty glasses into the sink. I shrugged before I got up and walked to the door. I heard my mother sigh a sigh of defeat before following me out the door and to our black ford focus.
The ride to school was long and silent. My mother had nothing to say and neither did I. I knew it wasn't her choice that we moved here even though she was the Master's wife. So I couldn't be angry at her, for she was just following orders.
So I decided to break the awkward silence.
"Am mom where's dad? I didn't see him when I woke up?" My mother slowly turned her head to look at me before she looked back at the road, a smile tugging at her lips.
" He left already for a council meeting with alpha Jack and the elders. We decided that it would be best if one of us stayed home to greet you when you got up. So I volunteered," she stated calmly as we pulled up in front of Maddison High.
I just nodded before I slowly got out of the passenger seat. I poked my head back into the car to look at mom.
" I love you, have a good day at school ok?"
" I love you too mom bye," I smiled before I closed the door and entered into the swarm of students entering the school.
As soon as I entered the doors, the smell of werewolves mixed with humans slapped me in the face. I scrunched up my nose in disgust before I made my way down the halls of students to the office.
Which by the way wasn't hard to find because there was a long line of vampires from my clan waiting to get their class schedule and locker number.
I got everything I needed from the nice 'human,' secretary that was at the front desk.
I quickly left the office after waiting a whole twenty minutes to get in, before I used my schedule to locate my locker. After emptying my hands from the heavy books I got from the office. I made my way to my first class 'gym'.
'Ugh, Goddess I hated going to the gym.'
It's not that I'm not good at running 'NO', I'm a vampire for crying out loud, so that wasn't the problem.
The problem was that our clan used to live among humans before we moved to Maddison. So the teachers would always try to get me on the track team and every time I would have to kindly give them a list of reasons why I couldn't join. Let's just say that I lied a lot and hope that werewolves are different.
It was really hard to locate the gym with so many kids and distracting smells, and damn was it even harder to find the male locker room. '
But all in all, I found it.'
After I changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a loose white t-shirt I made my way to the gym.
It was awkward walking into the gym because instantly all eyes fell on me. I ignored them though and was soon relieved to see a few of my clan mates including my best friends Markus and Mary-kay were a part of the small group of vampires that stood in the corner furthest away from the werewolves.
I quickly made my way to the group still ignoring all the nasty stares I got from the werewolves in the room.
" Where have you been man?" Markus asked me as he pulled his long curly hair down into an afro puff. I made eye contact with all five vampires in the group before I shrugged and muttered an 'overslept.'
I stiffened as I felt a pair of eyes burning holes in the back of our heads but again I just ignored it.
" This place reeks of stink mutt!," Mary-kay exclaimed as she scrunched up her face in disgust.
Causing her to receive a lot of snarls and growls in response to her offensive comment while Mary-kay just gave a satisfied smirk.
" That's rich coming from you bloodsucker!" someone in the crowd of werewolves threw back.
We all turned around to see an angry group of werewolves. Mary-kay hissed as she carefully scanned over the group for the person who shouted at her. Her emerald eyes slowly raked through the crowd of twelve until it stopped on a guy that gladly stepped out of the crowd for us to see him.
He was tall around 6'3 with milky chocolate-colored skin and caramel eyes. He had lean muscles and short black curls on his head.
" You better watch it mutt before I rip out your tongue and shove it up your ass!" Mary-kay spat.
The guy gave Mary-kay a hard stare 'if looks could kill'. Before he scoffed, with an eye roll.
He then quickly removed his hands from the pockets of his long track pants before he folded them over his chest.
His firm chest could be seen as they printed through his plain white u t-shirt.
" Why don't you play dead bloodsucker, oh no that's right you can't because your kind of already dead aren't you?" The guy smirked as Mary-kays hiss in response before he continued.
" Why don't you crawl back into your coffin with the rest of your bloodsucking friends and your ass of a hole master!"
'Ok, that last part got me angry. How dare he disrespect my master and clan with such words.'
I could tell my clan mates all felt the same way. As we all jumped up at attention and hissed at the guy's statement.
We bared our sleek white fangs at the guy, as other werewolves all jumped at the threat as they stood at the guy's side growling and snarling at us.
We were outnumbered but I know none of us were going to back down from someone disrespecting our master no matter the risk.
The tension in the room was rapidly rising as we bared our fangs and canines at each other. Our gym teacher was desperately trying to calm us down but no one listened to her instead we got louder. I was about to take down the disrespectful werewolf before a strong powerful voice boomed through the gym.
The room instantly fell silent and the werewolves bowed their heads in respect and took a few steps back to give whoever it was enough space to walk.
Then it hit me, a fantastic godly smell. It didn't smell like a wet dog or blood, or a human. But like a forest, earth, lavender, and manly cologne. It was the best thing I ever smelt, it even smelt better than blood.
I felt like I was being drawn to it, I wanted the smell, I needed it, where was it?
As I was lost in a daze a manly-looking guy stepped into the center of the crowd. All eyes immediately fell on him, and he didn't cower from the stares but stared everyone in the eye. The guy wore a black u t-shirt that showed off all his many tattoos and black basketball shorts that fitted his big thighs nicely. His hair was pitch black as a loose bang partly covering a pair of icy blue eyes that could make anyone immediately give themselves to him. His big biceps tightened as he came to a stop folding his arms over his sexy chest.
'Wait did I just say a guy's chest was sexy, was I just checking him out I'm not gay right.'
"What the hell is going on in here?!" he demanded annoyance dripping off his every word.
I instantly became hard and my member stood on end from just hearing his voice.
My cheeks burned pink with embarrassment as I desperately tried to hide the bulge in my pants. While praying that no one smelled my arousal.
Thank the goddess no one paid any attention to me, instead they focused on the huge intimidating guy that stood before them.
I could feel the power coming off of the guy in waves.
'He was the alpha or had alpha blood in him.'
He scanned over the crowd before his cold eyes landed on me. For a split second his expression softened as we stared at each other, my cheeks still bright pink.
Before I could say anything his eyes returned to their usual cold stare and he was finished staring at me.
I would be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed that he wasn't staring at me anymore. But I didn't have time to sulk before he spoke again.
"If all of you don't stop this shit, I'll rip out all of your tongues! You got that?!" the guy growled causing everyone to take small steps back. As their cold and nasty glares were no longer on their faces, but instead they turned into stares of fear and some of wry amusement.
His cold gaze landed on me again, but only for a moment before it quickly moved to Mary- kay and the disrespectful werewolf.
" You, you and you too Darrel come with me. Mrs. Devin continues with your class." The guy ordered as he pointed a finger at Mary- kay, the disrespectful werewolf whose name was Darrel and 'me'.
My eyes widened with confusion as to why the guy had called me.
I hadn't done anything more than hiss at Darrel. Because he just really offended me as he did my clan members. But there was no room for arguments with this guy, so I followed.
After the three of us followed the guy out the gym and into the halls, the guy stopped and turned to glare at us.
" You and you go to the office and wait for me. And you," he turned to me causing me to jump.
"Come with me."
I gulped.
Mary-kay started to voice her opinion but as soon as the guy gave her a cold hard stare that meant 'shut the fuck up.' She winced and immediately closed her small pink lips before she and the Darrel guy disappeared down the halls. Leaving me alone with Mr. Power creep.
He slowly looked at me before gesturing for me to follow him, which I did.
We walked for a few minutes before we came to a red door that stated in big black letters 'MALE RESTROOM.'
I cocked a confused and curious brow at him before he spoke.
" Enter,"
My cock twitched in my pants at the power in the guy's voice, and against my better judgment, I entered the room with the guy hot on my trail.
He peered into the hallway, checking if anyone was out of class before he closed the door and locked it behind him.
Again I looked up at the guy confused, but before I could say anything I was pinned against the blue bathroom walls. With my arms above my head and my legs slightly parted.
I stared wide-eyed at the guy before he bent down to leave. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, causing a cold shiver to run up and down my spine. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest before he whispered in a sexy hoarse voice.
" Mate!"
'Wait, what, mates' I shouted in my head. I thought back to all the stories I read and all the stories I was taught about mates when I was younger. A mate was a person's other half or person's soul mate. The person the goddess blessed you with to love and to love you. For you to cherish and to be cherished by you.
Werewolves, fairies, and the mer folks were the species that mates were popular in. But dragons and demons like vampires, witches, and warlocks we're rarely blessed with this gift of having a mate. So while it was really common for a werewolf to find his mate, it was really rare for me being a cursed species to find one.
'Or so I was told.'
So instead of true mates we vampire's had what we call a BLOOD PACT or what humans knew it as was chosen mates or marriage.
It was just a wedding ritual. Where you'd choose or rather your parent's when you turned eighteen would choose a group of pureblood suitor's for you. Then the suitor's would be lined up, and the bride or submissive person would pick which suitor he or she would best prefer.
Then finally on the wedding day, the couple would sign a contract in their blood stating that they would forever belong to each other. The bride and groom would then mix their blood in some stupid ancient special glass and drink from it. Then on the couple's wedding night, they'd have sex and drink their partner's blood, forming a blood pact bond.
There you're married and there's no such thing as divorce in our vampire culture. 'Nope,' you're stuck with that person for the rest of eternity. It didn't matter if you wanted to or not, because it wasn't up to you it was up to your parents and the clan, so you had to live with it.
I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a low growl come from the guy's throat and before I could grasp the situation. The guy's soft pink lips crashed into mine causing a moan to escape my lips. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance, but I refused, which seemed to just anger him.
Suddenly I felt one of his hands move from pinning my arms above my head. Before it passed down my hips and my waist until it landed on my ass. He then gave my right ass cheek a firm squeeze.
I gasped and he took that as an invitation as he entered my mouth. Our tongues danced together before he sucked on one of my fangs causing me to moan loudly again.
I felt him smirk against my lips before his hand was placed back on my waist as his grip on my wrist that he still held with one hand above my head slowly loosened.
My hands were finally freed as his arms sort of wrapped around my waist. And instead of pushing the guy away like, I should've.
I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. My dick stood up straight and proud as it shouted
'Hey, big guy look at me.'
The guy pressed himself into me even more so that I felt his big, hard cock against my stomach.
His hands slowly moved to my pants waist before he tugged my shorts and my briefs down in one pull.
I broke the kiss to look down at my exposed bottom half before I looked up into the guy's face.
His eyes were hooded and hair ruffled from my hands being in them. I felt my cheeks burn red as I tried to pull my pants back up. Only to have his hands catch mine.
I looked up at the guy and was amused to see him glaring down at me.
I slowly moved my hand's from my pants causing the guy's expression to turn back into one of lust.
He stared at me for a while longer as he caressed my cheek.
" Don't ever hide from me again. Your mine!"
Anyone would've been terrified of what the guy just stated, but as insane as it was I was just turned on even more.
I shyly nodded.
" Turn around, bend over, and place your hands on the wall," the guy ordered in what I think the werewolves call ' his alpha voice.'
And again against my better judgment, I turned around and did as I was told.
'Why was I even listening to this guy?' I asked myself. But I had no answer, I just felt like I had to so I did.
I turned my head so I could look over my shoulder as the guy patted around his shorts pockets before pulling out a small bottle of cream.
' What the fuck did this guy prepare for this?' I asked myself, and as if he could hear my thoughts he explained.
" I just really love cream so I carry it around with me everywhere."
I just nodded in response, before the guy squeezed the cream onto his fingers before capping it and putting it back into his pocket.
'What are you doing Wesley? This is a stranger?' I heard a little voice ask me. But I pushed it down, I wanted this. Why you may ask. Well, I don't know what I just did.
I then felt his creamed fingers tease my entrance, he then rubbed the cream around it.
I gasped as he pushed his finger into me, making me cry out in pain.
A small tear slid down my face as he began to slowly move in and out of my hole. The pain was terrible, as I felt my body quickly rushing to fix any and every tear the guy's finger made.
"Get it Ahh....," was all I managed before all the pain that I was feeling, turned into pleasure.
At that particular moment, I instantly forgot that the guy and I were strangers or that we were skipping class, or the fact that my parents were going to kill me for breaking class to get fucked by a werewolf nonetheless.
'Note to self: remember to dig your grave when you get home.
I moan before biting down on my bottom lip in an attempt to hush my cries of pleasure, as he placed another finger inside of me scissoring. I moaned again breathing hard as I tried not to go insane by this wonderful pleasure. I thought I would explode as the guy added a third finger inside me.
"Ahh....p...please ..Hahaa," I moaned out as he shoved a fourth finger in me. The guy bent over me, the hair's on the back of my neck stood up as he kissed my neck before whispering in my ear.
"Tell me, what you want me to do. Tell me and I'll do it to you,"
I moaned at his hot words as my knees began to feel like Jell-O while I panted and clawed at the wall for support.
" I ...Aaaa. I. Want. you .to.," I stated between breathes.
My leg finally gives out and before I could fall the guy brought me down to the marble tile on my hands and knees with his finger's still inside of me.
"My name's Storm and I would gladly stick my cock in you but I want you to beg. Beg me to fuck you and I will," Storm whispered in my ear before he sucked my lobe into his mouth while quickening his movements in my ass. I moaned loudly as all my shame and embarrassment slowly melted away.
I began to move back and forth on Storm's hand to feel more pleasure, but he stopped me, by roughly grabbing me by my hip.
I groaned in irritation before I did exactly as he wanted.
"P..please.Storm p...please....f...fuck Fuck me hard," I begged as I dropped from my hands so my chest was pressed against the cold tile because my hands had given out.
I could hear Storm's heart racing in his chest as it lay against my back, I could smell his blood rushing through his veins. I wanted it, I wanted to taste it not to feed or kill him but to hear him moan and cry out as I pumped him with my sexual hormones.
" Ok since you asked nicely," Storm stated sexily against my ear before I felt his fingers exit my ass. I whined at the loss of pleasure before I felt him line himself up with my hole.
He then pounded into me causing me to cry out in surprise and pain.
It hurt a lot at first, but the pain slowly was overcome with pleasure.
"Aaaaaa!!!" I moaned, screamed as he slowly began pounding into me.
I was about to cry out again, but before any sound came out I felt Storm's big soft hand over my mouth to silence me.
" Your loud and this is kind of late I know, but you need to be quiet. Class is almost over," Storm stated as he rammed into me again. And again I was about to cry out but this time Storm shoved his entire hand into my mouth muffling my cry.
He then slowly began moving his hand in and out of my mouth in the same rhythm he fucked me in. I felt his hand exit my mouth as he swiftly changed our position so I was now bouncing in his lap.
"A..a..yeah so good ..I. I'm Storm I'm cumming!!" I shouted before I wrapped my arms around Storm's neck, burying my head in his neck, I exploded and Storm came second after me, filling up my ass with his semen.

I slowly slumped against his chest as I panted and tried to catch my breath. I felt exhausted and my ass pain but throbbed with past pleasure.
"I..I.I just got f..fucked by a stranger," I breathed against Storm's chest.
"You did but it felt good didn't it?"
" Yeah it did, it felt really good."
"And I'm not a stranger I'm your mate."
"Yeah, but isn't that against the werewolf vampire laws or something?"
"Fuck that. Your my mate and I can be with you and fuck you whenever I want."
"....." " I heard the bell ring. I need to get to class. Before my clan gets suspicious."
"Mmhm," Storm hummed as he laid back against the floor still inside me.
I looked at him, then back down at myself.
"Amm you have to help me get dressed. I can barely stand because my ass and back hurt."
"Oh, I'm sorry I was so rough," he muttered as he sat up so he could look into my eyes. I could see how hurt he was, so I just smiled.
"No it felt good, it did," I smiled.
He smiled back before, he kissed me on the head.
The man was I fucking screwed if my clan found out about this. But I didn't care. I'd already fallen in love with this guy and no one going to take him away from me.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Boy was it hard to write. Again guys I'm new to this whole writing thing so bear with me. If this story wasn't to your liking that's ok just tell me in the comments and I'd make sure to fix it. My updates will be on Friday afternoons and Wednesdays. Thanks for reading and stay safe bye.😉


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