Chapter 6- The twin

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Wesley's POV

"What do you mean they're coming for Wesley?!" Storm demanded while I sat in a corner with my knees to my chest and head in my lap. 
Mary-kay sighed as she passed a hand through her long hair. 
"Well Wes, your mom told your dad that you ran off after she and your siblings found out that you've been sleeping with a werewolf, that got you pregnant. And remember you can't be angry with her, she's the master's wife after all."
I nodded. 
I understood mom had to tell dad, otherwise the guilt would eat her alive.
" And now," she continued.
" Your dad being the leader and all that, is sending warrior wolves to get you and to bring you to The River of Artemis,. So the counsel can judge you fairly. Then he's going to find out which wolf you slept with and kill him," Mary-kay informed us. 
I got up with shaky knees before I asked. 
"He's going to take me to The River of Artemis?" 
Mary-kay nodded. 
While I paled.
Upon seeing my reaction after I heard that my dad was going to carry me to The River of Artemis. Storm came to my side before he wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to comfort me. 
"What's The River of Artemis and what's so scary about it!?" Storm reluctantly asked.
I gulped as my heart beat quickened and my head spun with memories of that day. 
Markus cleared his throat, before he spoke.
"The River of Artemis was once one of our clans largest coming of age ceremonial grounds. But they turned it into a place where they hold traitors and trespassers for interrogation five years ago."
"It's also the place where Wally, Wesley's twin brother died," Mary-kay  finished for Markus. 
Storm was shocked but only for a moment before his expression turned back cold. 
"Wesley has a twin brother?" Storm asked. 
"No, I had a twin brother, but he was killed," I stated as I slowly moved from Storm's calming arm before I walked up to Markus whose eyes were slowly beginning to glisten with tears. 
"Who killed him?" Storm asked. 
I looked down at my hands as I played with my fingers before I looked up at him. 
"My father."
I wiped my tears.
"My father killed my brother," I deadpan. 
"He killed my brother because he was born a werewolf," I stated as the memory of that day flashed before my eyes.

(This flashback might lead off of the plot a little bit. But I promise it's important that you understand Wesley's past. For future characters. Anyways the flashback will start and end when you see the asterisk.)

I felt a piece of paper hit me in my head. But I ignored it, instead I just pulled my cover over my head to block out the bright full moon light that came through the windows as someone had opened the curtains. 
I was just about to close my eyes when an elephant jumped on me (not literally). 
"Wesley get up, it's our birthday," I heard my brother,  Wally,  whine as he tugged on my covers. 
"No I want to sleep," I groaned as I pushed my brother off me. 
"But Wesley we're ten today, that means we finally get to go through the ceremony and become full vampires. Then we'll be able to walk and play in the sun," he stated excitedly from the floor. 
I cringed. 
I really liked the idea that after ten years I'd finally get to play and walk in the sun. But other than that I really didn't want to go to that stupid vampire coming of age ceremony. For two reasons (1) there were going to be so many old vampire lords that would make too much noise and (2) we had to wear these itchy ancient clothes that I totally hated. So I wasn't going.
I heard Wally huff, before he did the one thing that made me jump out of bed immediately standing at attention. 
"Mom, dad Wesley doesn't want to get up!" my twin shouted. 
I glared at him and he gave me an innocent smile. 
A few seconds later I heard footsteps coming to our room before my parents entered our room with Aiden and Ambrosia behind them. 
"Did I hear that one of my dear son wants to sleep through the entire ceremony?" my mother asked as she parted hands with her husband to seat on my bed in front of me. 
I nodded before I quietly sat next to my mother while Wally sat on her other side. 
"Son this is a big day for you and Wally why don't you want to participate?" my father asked me before he sat down next to me pulling Ambrosia onto his lap.
'Didn't she think she was too old for that?'
Goddess she was thirteen at least Aiden had more maturity as he sat on the floor in front of us. 
"The clothes itchy?" I complained. 
My father chuckled. 
"How about we make a deal?" 
I gestured for him to go on. 
"If you and Wally do great at the ceremony today, the whole family gets to go to mount Nethilor," he offered. 
Mount Nethilor was like a theme park for vampires that only our clan had. It was big with lots of slides and swings and blood pop ( like popcorn just coated in blood). And all types of blood drinks along with blood snacks. It was like a vampire heaven for both fledgling's and vampires and it only opened at night, the perfect time to play. (Now you may be wondering what a fledgling is. It's just a baby, kid, or teen vampire. After Wally and I do the ceremony to become real vampires. We're just going to be able to go in the sun. But we'll still be fledgling's until we pass fifty or sixty. Then we become Neonate's) 
My eyes shone with excitement as Wally and I bounced up and down on my bed. 
"Deal, deal, deal," we chanted excitedly as our parents laughed along with our older siblings. 
"Ok now that that's settled how about you boys get ready for the ceremony while Ambrosia and Aiden help me prepare breakfast ok?" my mother asked. 
We all agreed before my parents left with my older twin siblings. 
My brother and I happily bathed and got dressed in long black cloaks,  black leather pants, a white shirt and black waist coat with black dress up shoes. 
It was really itchy but thinking about going to mount Nethilor made it bearable as I styled my hair. 
I turned around to see my brother pulling on his black fingerless gloves and I scoffed. Of course he had them on, my brother never went anywhere without his gloves. He was just obsessed with them so mother and father allowed him to wear them. Even for the ceremony. 
After properly getting ready Wally and I raced down stairs to the kitchen where my mother was cooking with Aiden and Ambrosia's help.
My mom and sibling turned from the stove to us. 
"Look at my young men, they are so handsome," my mother complemented with a smile, before she gave us both a motherly kiss on our foreheads. 
We blushed as we wiped mom's kiss away. 
"Wow Wessy you and Wally look great," Ambrosia stated as she pulled us into a hug. 
I smiled up at her before I took a seat around the island next to Aiden. 
"Hmm I looked better," he commented and I rolled my eyes. 
"You keep telling yourself that Aiden," Wally joked and we all laughed. 
Aiden looked hurt at Wally's comment. 
"What's that supposed to mean Wally?" He asked before he turned to mom.
" Mom I looked good didn't I?" he asked. 
Mom laughed as she wiped her hands on her blue floral apron.
She then walked up to Aiden placing her small hand on his cheek with a calming smile. 
"Of course you did, you look amazing." 
Aiden smiled proudly. 
I rolled my eyes. 
He's too arrogant.
"So where are my grown men?" my dad asked as he entered the kitchen before he pecked mom on the lips sliding his hand around her waist. 
"Oh there they are coming to take all my attention?" my dad pouted. 
Wally and I burst out laughing at our dad's attempt to look cute. 
Ambrosia walked up to dad before she said. 
"Dad I love you so much, but if you're trying to look cute stop because you don't." 
Dad grabbed his chest dramatically as my siblings and I laughed our heads off. 
Dad looked at his children who were now on the floor laughing at him. As he gaped.
"Don't worry honey, you'd always be cute and sexy to me," my mom stated before she kissed dad. 
"Eww mom stop it, that's gross," Wally said as he screwed his face up in disgust and I copied his action. 
"They're not gross idiots. They're cute," Ambrosia stated in a fangirl daze.
I was confused. 
How could two people sucking faces be cute. But to avoid a huge argument I just nodded. 
Dad and mom stopped kissing before they began to stare at each other deeply.
There was a way they were staring at each other but I couldn't figure it out. Remember I'm only ten people. 
"Ok ladies and gentlemen," my mom spoke as she woke from her staring trance. 
"Breakfast is ready, eat then quickly make your way to the car please. Those that fail to do so would be left home. And those who are left home would take a trip to madam Vista. Is that understood?" my mom asked and we all nodded in horror at her threat. 
(Madam Vista was a very evil teacher at a camp for fledgling's.)
She only allowed you to drink blood once every two weeks while you was forced to eat human food every day. Which resulted in terrible hunger pains. For Aiden, Ambrosia, and I at least. But for some reason Wally enjoyed the human food which was really strange.
In all of vampire history Wally was the first known pureblood vampire to dislike blood. Which often got him picked on by other fledgling's. But our family still loved him dearly. 
But even if Wally liked human food. Madam Vista was still a heartless cruel person. So neither of us wanted to end up there. So after we chugged down our blood tea's and some human food mom prepared for Wally. My siblings and I raced into the care before our parents. 
Better safe than sorry I guess. 
It took us half an hour to reach the ceremonial grounds at The River of Artemis. 
The entire time Wally and I held hands as we were both really nervous. 
"Ok boys we're here," my mother stated before she exited the black ford focus. 
As I stepped out of the car I suddenly felt a really weird vibe. Like something was going to go terribly wrong and because of that feeling I was scared out of my mind. 
I then felt Wally's hand on my shoulder. 
"You feel it too don't you?" he asked as his eyes scanned the grounds. 
I nodded.
While Wally continued to look for anything that was out of place. But there wasn't anything strange, there was only a bunch of nine, ten, and eleven year old unclaimed fledgling's running around in the exact same clothes Wally and I had on. 
( Unclaimed fledgling means, a fledgling that hasn't gone through the ceremony) Or different cal member's with a few members of the vampire counsel chatting. There really wasn't anything out of place. 
Since nothing was out of place I started to take in my beautiful surroundings. The place was decorated with lovely black ancient artifacts. There were chairs for guests and different types of vampire dishes like a blood fountain, blood bags, blood cakes, and drinks placed on beautifully decorated black tables. There was an altar surrounded by skulls, and red, and black candles. 
With a big blood red hexagram in front of the altar. 
Wally and I were about to walk in the direction of our siblings who were talking to Markus and Mary-kay, when the disgusting smell of wet dogs with a hint of lavender came to our noses. 
Every vampire at The River of Artemis head's snapped up in the scent's direction. 
The perpetrators slowly walked out from the darkness of the woods on the opposite side of the river that we were on. 
I stiffened in fear while other fledgling's instantly ran to hide behind their parents from the terrifying monsters that snarled at us. 
My parents and older siblings were immediately at Wally and my side.
My father stood in front of us protectively as the dogs started to cross the river. Some were shifted while others remained in human form tugging their dark colored clothes up to prevent them from getting wet. 
My brother gasped before he whispered what we all knew and feared. 
They crossed the river and were now standing in a large group in front of our clan. 
My nose twitched as the lavender smell was still circulating. 
Then my eyes fell on two figures. A tall intimidating male who I assumed was the alpha, and a young boy identical to him at his side. 
The boy's eyes fell on mine and I relaxed. 
He was so beautiful and calming that I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Then he smiled at me and my heart melted. 
'Is this what mommy feels when she and dad just stare at each other?' I asked myself. 
It's so..... nice and warm. 
But the moment was short lived as my eyes shifted to the laughing alpha. 
"Well isn't this just great, my dear son found himself a very cute friend" the man stated amusement clear in his rusty blue eyes. 
The boy at his side looked up confusingly at his father. 
"Too bad he's a bloodsucker and we'll have to dispose of him," a dark skinned man next to the alpha said with a sigh as he looked down at the gaping young boy. 
I felt so sorry for the boy even if I had no clue what was happening right now. All I knew was that the boy looked so sad, and that I wanted to comfort him. 
But before I could make my move my dad spoke. 
"Alpha Killan what an unpleasant surprise, what brings you and your dogs here?" my father asked as the werewolves growled at his cocky comment. 
"Oh nothing much really Newell, its just that, you heard the legend didn't you? So I came to claim it before it gets killed or claimed by someone else," Alpha killan stated venom laced in his voice. 
My father laughed, making me shiver but not in a good way. I've never heard my dad laugh so coldly and it kind of scared me. 
"Alpha Killan it appears that I have no idea what you speak of," my dad informed as he took my mother into his arms. 
"Oh I see, well let me inform you then. That it is stated in the vivlío tis theás. That on the fifth of the fifth month at the fifth hour two sons would be born. One would be a child of the night and fall in love. While the other would become a man of the moon, that runs in a pack. But he who howls at the moon will have to be killed and reborned. Also one son would bring a terrible destruction while the other would bring a cleansing peace.
And the last time I checked Master Newell. Didn't your lovely wife give birth to two sons on the fifth of the fifth month at five in the morning. If I'm not correct then correct me," Alpha Killan stated with a wicked smile. 
I began to panic as my little brain worked out what these adults were talking about. My eyes widened as it clicked. Wally and I were the twins from this prophecy that would either bring destruction or peace among vampires and werewolves. 
I was about to have a mental breakdown as this was too much information for my tiny mind to handle before I felt Wally hold my hand. I turned to him, fear definitely in my eyes. He gave me a reassuring smile before we turned back to the two arguing adults. Then before I could say boo a fight broke out between our two species. 
I noticed Alpha Kilkan order a tall dark skinned man to take the little boy away. The man nodded before he shifted into a large brown wolf. The little boy got on the man's back before he took one last look at me with his cold but calm blue eyes, then he was gone. 
I was so caught up in staring at the empty place where the boy once stood, that I didn't notice the seven foot giant that was heading in my direction before it was too late. I closed my eyes as I heard bone cracking, two things knocking into each other and a loud howl that was followed by a loud 'No.' 
My eyes instantly snapped open before a scream filled the sky. It took me a while to realize that the scream came from me. As I stood still, full of shock and horror at the site in front of me. My heart drummed so loudly in my chest that I thought it would pop out. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks and my knees almost gave way. This was not a site a ten year old to see. It wasn't a site for anyone to see. It was a horrible, devastating site and I wished I never saw it. I wished that I didn't just see my dad stand up from clawing a small wolf's stomach out, and I wished that the small whimpering wolf didn't turn back into a kid that looked identical to me. I prayed that this was just a cruel test for the ceremony. I begged and pleaded to the goddess that the dying wolf that lay on the cold grassy floor next to Alpha Killan wasn't___ 
"Wally!" I screamed. 
His tired eyes searched until it fell on my teary ones. 
I was balling my eyes out while Wally just gave me a weak smile before he mouthed 'we're ten.' 
I gave him a forced sad smile before he began to choke and gasp for air. 
I shook my head viciously as the life left my brother while his last breath came out of his chapped lips with smelly blood. 
"No!" I shouted as I tried to run to my brother's side but two hands pulled me back. In a matter of seconds I was being held in my other twin siblings arms as they tried to calm me down. 
I then felt a sharp force within me before something snapped and I instantly knew what it was. My eyes widened as the last tears left my eyes. 
"It broke," I whispered. 
I began to hyperventilate before my mother came and took me into her warm arms. The last thing I saw before I fainted from the pain of Wally and mine vampire twin bond breaking. Was his lifeless body being carried away by the members of the Blood moon pack.

Oh, Wesley had a twin brother. What do you guys think, did master Newell really kill Wally or not? Tell me in the comments. Thank you guys for reading this chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it. I know it might have been a little dragged but I got a headache and didn't know what to write anymore.
Anyways thanks again for reading and stay safe.😉


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