Chapter 10- Who's the villian.

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(Sexual content:)
Wesley’s POV

My throat was sore from all the screaming I had done. My eyes were glistened with tears and my lips were swollen. 

I was a mess, with sticky white liquid all over my bare stomach and thighs. My chest rapidly raised and fell as I panted my pink star was licking slick as my tip wept  also.  

I gasped and my back arched off of the soft mattress as Storm began to pump me again. 

“Uh..St…Storm…just…fuck me!” I moaned as I began to buck my hips into his hands. 

“As much as I would love to fuck you senseless, my little tiger. You're pregnant and I  don’t want you or our child to get hurt,” Storm whispered into my ear. 

I whimpered at the thought of not going to be able to feel Storm’s big cock in me for a few months. But I slowly let it slip away as Storm’s pumping on my member quickened. 

“Oh tiger you're still hard, after I made your dick explode so many times. Do you want me to make you cum again, my little slut?” Storm asked. 

I moaned before I bit down harshly on my lips as I nodded. 

Storm stopped fisting me and I Whined as I began to rock my hips. But he held them down with one hand. 

“Use your words baby.” 


“Yes what Tiger. Do you want me to make you cum? Huh do you want to cum my little slut.” 


“Yes who?” 

“Yes Storm.” 

He squeezed my dick and I cried out from the pain. 

“Call me daddy!” he ordered. 

“Please help me cum daddy,” I begged. 

“Ok since you asked nicely,” he said before he began to quickly fist me. 

“Oh,” I moaned as I threw my head back into the mattress, clenching the sheets. 

It has been three days since Storm and I had ran away from my dad and his dad, to stay at this cottage. 

And during that short time, Storm couldn’t keep his hands off of me for a second. We never had sex because I am pregnant, but we sure as hell did everything else. 

I knew he was like this, because we were all alone and because he had to leave his pack. I knew that he was trying to take his mind off of the fact that he, as the soon to be alpha, abandoned his pack for me and our unborn child. Werewolves, unlike other were-shifters, were very close to their pack. Their pack were their family, and their family came first. So the possibility of any wolf leaving their packs for any reason whatsoever, was slim to none. Unless they had been kicked out or their pack had died. Other than those reasons, where you’d find a werewolf, you’d most likely find his or her pack. Even rogues made up their own packs from other rogues. So Storm was now thorn between the need to protect his pack, and the need to protect his pregnant mate. So with that being said , I allowed him to have his way with me. Even though there were times where he’d tease me too much and we got carried away. And nearly had sex, but all in all we didn't. ‘Thank the goddess’ 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Storm’s bit down on my right nipple teasingly. 

See what I mean.

I screamed out, unable to handle the amount of pain and pleasure I was getting. Before Storm spoke. 

“Oh I see you like that, huh tiger?” 

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