Chapter 19- The Pack

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Storm's POV

It has been a few hours since we left the witch's house and the dark sad cloud has never left us. I still felt like an axe was hanging over all of our heads. And I could tell that my friend's felt the exact same way.

"How far from the house again?" Oni  asked.
"About an hour walk again, or thirty minutes run in wolf form," Nolan informed before he looked down at his sleeping mate who was in his arms. I smiled at the couple before I found myself also looking down at my sleeping pregnant mate in my arm's. 

He looked so beautiful, with his slightly tousled hair that partly covered one of his closed eyes. As cute soft snores escaped his parted lip's.
"He looks so peaceful like that, doesn't he?" The Oni's caused me to look up at him. To catch his eye but he had already turned back his gaze to his mate.
"Yeah he does," I replied as I looked  back down at Wesley who had just slightly moved.
"I don't want to lose him," Nolan stated as he cradled Markus closer to his chest.
"He's exhausted," Nolan commented as he caught me staring at his deep sleeping mate.
"They all are," Oni began.
"They don't need to be going through all this," he finished with a sigh. Before his gaze returned to Mary-kay.
"I just can't lose her, you know?" Oni asked as he buried his nose in Mary's hair.
"I know what you mean Oni, and I promise that we're not losing any of our mate's," I stated and Nolan nodded in agreement.
'Goddess I hope you keep him safe,' Zed stated.
'Me too,' I agreed.

The mood has been depressing and fearful, as no one had said a word since our last conversation. Our mate's had soon moved to our backs, as we had shifted into our wolf forms. To give our human legs and arms a rest. 

"There it is!" Nolan shouted in relife causing Oni and I to jump. But when we looked up just as Nolan had informed. A little way in front of us, was the brown roof of our pack house. Peeking out from the top of a few trees. 

I remember that my father had told me. That our ancestors had specifically built our pack house in the middle of the forest. To keep humans from finding us, as they had lived in a time where human hunters were killing them out.The pack house was also built there to help us hide from rouges and other packs or vampires. So the house was kind of hard to spot without double taking. But because of my heightened senses and the fact that I knew where I was going. I spotted it instantly.
"Tiger, you have to get up now baby," I stated through our private mate link.

Wesley groaned in annoyance but in a matter of seconds. I felt him stir on my back before he sat up. I then bent down so he could get off me, before my Beta, Delta and I shifted and was handed our clothes by our mates.
"I'm sorry that we had to wake you guys up from sleeping," I told the three vampires that were glaring at me.
"But we don't know what to expect when we arrive on pack grounds. And to be able to better protect ourselves and you. You guys need to be awake and vigilant," I seriously stated.
"And if we waltz right in with you guys on our back like damsels," Nolan began.
"It would give the pack the idea that you guys can easily be bullied," Oni finished.

We looked at our still cranky mate's for any sign that they understand. And so when they all gave a nod I pulled Wesley into my side by his waist. Before I began to walk with my Beta and Delta right behind.
"I smell them already," Oni stated as he walked on the right side of Wesley, firmly holding his mate's hand.
"Yeah," Nolan replied as held Markus  closer to his side. Then just as we had expected a group of pack warriors came out of nowhere and surrounded us in wolf form. But when they saw that it wasn't a threat. Most of them shifted back to human and lowered their heads in respect to their soon- to-be Alpha, Beta and Delta. 
I felt Wesley's heart beat quicken as he began to shiver from fright beside me. But he relaxed when I began to rub up and down his back soothingly.
Before I lowered my head to his ears and whispered.
"I'm here Tiger." This allowed him to completely calm down just before one of the warrior wolves. Who I identified as Tony, one of our head warriors.

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