Chapter 29- Wicked Surprise

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Third person

"Where is he?!" Storm demanded as he stomped his way into the living room. 
The alpha couple was startled by the young alpha's sudden intrusion as they both jumped up from the seat where they were sitting.
"Where's who Storm?" Calmly asked Marie as if she knew nothing. Both she and Storm knew that she knew. Especially, by the way, she was slightly looking at her husband in the corner of her eyes. 

Storm narrowed his eyes at her before, he wasn't having any of that. So he quickly rushed up to Alpha Devlin and yanked him towards himself by the collar of his shirt.
"Your stupid wolf has taken my mate and I want him back, Now!" The young wolf sneered.
It was a difficult task for Storm as he tried to be strong and get answers out of the other alpha while still trying to keep his wolf under control. As he knew that his wolf was ready to kill anyone who dared to take their mate. But he had to be strong and get some answers. So he resumed glaring hateful daggers at the very confused Alpha. 

"Storm I have no idea where Roger took Wesley and nor did I help him in any way. But I would appreciate it if you got your wolf under control and released me."  Alpha Devlin stated those words calmly, but he had a hidden warning behind them. And by the look on Storm's face, he knew the young alpha knew it too. 
Storm stared at the large man as he thought over his next move. He knew that fighting with Devlin would only bring unwanted problems to his pack and that their top priority was to find his mate. And when he had reached that conclusion he released Alpha Devlin.
Alpha Devlin fixed his shirt and pulled his Luna into his side, just as Alpha Jack and the others had entered the room. 

"Alpha is there a problem here?"  One of Aloha Devlin's wolves asked as a group of them rushed into the room.
They were on high alert and allowed everyone to smell their high adrenaline hormones. Informing them all that they were ready to attack anyone at any moment to protect their Alpha and Luna.
"No, it's ok," Luna Marie replied with a calm wave of her hand.
The group of wolves looked at their Alpha and allowed their eyes to sit there for a while before they looked over at Storm.

When the group had finally left after glaring warning daggers at Storm. Storm turned to Alpha Devlin and quickly apologized. 
Alpha Devlin chuckled loudly before he playfully slapped the young alpha on the back.
"That's a quite alright kid, I'm glad that you care about that mate of yours so much. Because right now he'd need to know that you love him and will be coming to rescue him from the hands of evil," Devlin cheerfully stated.

Storm looked over at his foster father when he heard the old wolf laugh along with Devlin. 
"He's right, Storm," Alpha Jack began all smiling but soon his smile faded and his face became serious as he continued.
"But now we must find Wesley. Does anyone have any idea who Roger could be working for? And who ordered him to kidnap Wesley?"
There was an uproar of 'no's while others simply shook their heads. No one had any ideas who would want Wesley. Not even Jack or Newell themselves. Both felt like useless fathers at the present moment. But they really had no clue who wanted to kidnap Wesley. Because not even Killian would've stooped so low, but then again he did try to forcefully mate Storm with some whore. 

All thoughts were cut short when the smell of trespassers filled the group's nostrils. Just before the loud sound of the warning whistle went off.
"They're here!" Someone shouted from outside causing every muscle in the group's body to go stiff.
"They're early," Oni stated as his face paled and eyes widened.  
"Yes they are," Master Newell agreed as he too also looked completely shocked. "They've taken us by shock and you and I both know that they're not here for a simple friendly chat," Alpha Jack growled before he turned to Markus and Mary-kay. Both of who were tightly holding on to their mate's. 
"Markus, Mary-kay, and Luna Marie, make your way to our safe room," Alpha Jack ordered before he rushed to the bottom of the long stairs.
"Nick and lincoln!" He quickly called.
And soon two men came sprinting down the stairs.
"Yes Alpha?" They asked in unison.
"Make sure that everyone who isn't fighting gets into the safe room. Including these three," the Alpha demanded as he pointed at Marie, Markus, and Mary.
The two wolves nodded as they waited for the thrio to come to them.

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