Chapter 26- Foreign Help

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Storm's POV

Beside my pregnant mate is where I stood on the porch with a few members of my pack and Wesley and my dad. I held my mate's hand in mine as I intently watched the members of our neighbouring pack, The Evergreen Pack. Made their way up to our house in their wolf form.

They quickly shifted back to their human forms before they walked up to our porch.
"Alpha Devlin and Luna Marie, thank you for coming on such short notice," my father greeted with a shaking of the Alpha and Luna's hamd.
"It was no problem at all Jack after all, your pack has helped our pack out many times in the past. It is only right to return the favour," the Alpha replied and I quickly looked him over.

Alpha Devlin was tall and muscular with skin the color of rich chocolate. His unusual pale hazel eyes held dominance and power while his stance held power.
My eyes then wandered down to the petite Luns beside him. The Luna was beautiful, nothing compared to my mate. But she was acceptable with shoulder length brown curly hair and midnight black eyes. Her chocolate colored skin could be seen underneath her black dress that hugged her curey form nicely.

My attention was snapped back up to the Alpha when he spoke again.
"And you must be Master Newell, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Master Newell quickly shook the Alpha's hand with a quickly respectful smile in the Luna's direction before he spoke.
"Nice to meet you too, and thank you for coming," Wesley's father smiled. And I watched as Alpha Devlin nodded before he tilted his head to the side so he could look at Wesley and I.
"And who might those two be?" He asked and my father quickly turned to us.
"Oh, this is my son, Storm and his mate, Wesley," father introduced and the Alpha nodded down at us. But a growl quickly escaped my lips and I yanked Wesley behind me, as I noticed that Alpha Devlin's eyes were lingering on my mate.

The Alpha immediately snapped out of whatever trance he was in before he chuckled nervously.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean anything wrong by my staring. It's just that it's the first time I've ever seen a pregnant male, much less a vampire one," he informed, allowing me to relax a bit. But I still stood in front of my mate like a human shield.
"Oh that's quite alright, isn't it Storm," dad asked as he shut me a hard look.
"Yeah it's fine and I'm sorry for growling at you," I mumbled, causing the Alpha to laugh out loud. And for a minute I was taken aback as to how a strong and powerful Alpha as him could laugh so carefree.
"It's ok, it's only instinct," Alpha Devlin stated and I quickly nodded.
"Ok so now that we have been acquainted, please come in our Omegas would take care of your bags," father stated and as if right on cue our packs Omega's quickly rushed out of the house before they took the Evergreen pack's bags inside and up to their rooms. We then entered the house with the Evergreen pack right behind.

I allowed my mate to get drinks for our guest with the Omega's after he insisted on it. While I sat in the pack house's spacious living room with my dad, Master Newell and the Alpha and Luna of the Evergreen pack.
"Ok, so let's get down to business," Master Newell began and everyone nodded.
"Alright so first we need to discuss the___," dad was saying only to be cut off by a loud clatter and crash. Causing me to immediately rush to the kitchen.
"I'm so, so sorry man are you ok?" Asked a guy around my age as he stood over my mate who lay on his back on the floor with his head surrounded by broken glasses and juice.

Wesley rubbed the sweet liquid from his eyes before he slowly sat up and in a matter of seconds I was at his side. I slowly helped him to his feet and checked for any cuts or bruises before I turned to glare at the guy.
"I'm really sorry," he began as he stared at me.
"I didn't see him there and just ran into him," he finished and Wesley quickly placed a calming hand on my shoulder before he walked up to my side.
"It's ok, it was just an accident and besides I'm fine," Wesley replied with a smile but I could see through his lie. Plus I could slightly feel what he was feeling. I could tell that the impact with the hard floor wasn't ok for his pregnant ass. And him lying about how he felt just to make some bimbo feel better was just pissing me off even more.

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