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Hi guys, I'm not really good at these things

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Hi guys, I'm not really good at these things. So I'm going to make it be like if we're having a talk show. I hope you like it and that all your questions are answered.

Author: Hi I'm your host 'the author' and welcome to Forbidden Mates.

Audience: *cheers, claps, shouts*

Author: Ok first let's meet our main cast. *Turns to cast* Say hi guys.

Wesley: *waves* Hi guys I'm Wesley.

Storm: I'm Storm.

Mary-kay: Hello, I'm Mary-kay.

Markus: Hi mom, I love you.

Kathrin: I love you too baby.

Author: Why are you here Kathrin? Your not part of my main cast.

Kathrin: Because I want to be. So shut up fatso.

Author: *Silently crys* I'm not fat, I just have a lot of muscles.

Kathrin: * scoffs* Yeah,  a lot of muscle fat.

Author: *glares* How about I just make Markus motherless.

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