Chapter 27- Ultrasound

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Storm's POV

"What?!" Asked dad as he stared at the witches with a face filled with disbelief and a hint of fear. You could tell that he was freaking out of his mind but was just acting like a grown up for the rest of us.
"It's true and Darell's with them," Abby added. And now it was my friends and mine turn to be shocked and freaked out.
"What?!" Asked Oni and the witches just nodded their heads.
"And that's not even the worst part," Selene exclaimed, earning a loud scoff from Markus.
"Oh there's more," he said, only gaining a hard shove from his mate.
"Yes," Selene replied, probably not getting the fact that Markus was being sarcastic.
"What else is there Selene?" Dad asked with a deep frown.
"Well there's more bad news and some good news, which one first?" She asked as she smoothened out the front of her jeans skirt.

Dad's frown deepened but he didn't answer so Master Newell spoke for him.

"You ruined our day even more, so give us something good first," he said with a wave of his hand. Selene glared at him but reluctantly answered.
"Well the good news is that we know where your wife is. Bad news is that when we were on our way here, Alpha Killian and his people stopped to pick up someone. We weren't able to see exactly who it was but we know that he's definitely supernatural and a very powerful supernatural being too. He was the only reason we were able to reach here before they did," Selene informed and we quickly took her words into consideration before I looked over to my dad when he spoke.
"How far out are they?" He asked Elaine as he stared down at them.
"I told you, they'll be here by dawn tomorrow. So that gives you roughly twelve hours or less to get ready to get for war," she explained and I knew that we all began to feel the dark cloud over our heads.
"Alright so we__."
"Wait, what about Lucy?" Asked my father-in-law, cutting off what my dad was saying. Dad quickly rested a firm hand on Master Newell's shoulder. And only when he looked up then my dad spoke.
"We'll get her, I promise Newell. But for now we've got an entire pack and clan of people who don't deserve to pay for the crimes we did in the past. So stop sulking and help me lead our people to safety," dad said. And I was amazed by him.

'He could be a pep talker for a football team,' Zed joked and I nodded.

Master Newell quickly wiped before he looked up at my dad with a curt nod. Dad smiled down at his old friend before he turned back to the witches.
"Alright, Tony," he began, causing the young wolf to stand up straight at the sound of his name on his Alpha's lips.
"I want you to double the wolves at the border, no triple them. Have half of them in wolf form and the others in humans. Have the whistle with you at all times. And blow it to alert us of the slight disturbance," Dad ordered just before a woman shouted out.
"NO!" Shouted the voice and we all turned around just in time to see Wesley's older sister rushing out of the house.

She ran up to Tony and threw her arms around him, startling the wolf.
"Please don't," she begged with her face pressed into Tony's chest.

She pulled away from Tony only to turn to my father with pitiful tear filled eyes.
"Please don't have him out there because Alpha Killian and his pack attack. He'll be one of the first people to get hurt. And I can't lose him after I just started to accept this," she said.
Dad stared down at the weeping woman before he looked around and sighed.
"Huh, fin___" he began but got cut off by Tony who blurted..
"No alpha!"

He sighed as my dad and his mate stared up at him. Before he looked down at his mate who was staring back up at him as tears trailed down her eyes.
"Baby I have to do this," he whispered and Amvrosia just violently shook her head.
"No,no,no you don't. Please don't go, I don't want you to die before she's even born," she said, causing all of us to gasp loudly.
"Ambrosia, you're pregnant?" Her twin asked and she just nodded before she smiled and turned to him.
"Yeah, I found out the day after Wessy and his friends came back," she calmly informed me. Causing her brother to smile brightly before he pulled her into a hug.
"That's really great sis, now both of my younger siblings are going to give me nieces and nephews. But how come none of us smelt your change in smell?" He asked. And I'm sure that all of us were wondering the exact same thing.
"Well all you guys were so busy trying to find a way to defeat Alpha Killian. That none of you guys paid any attention to little old me," she stated and Aiden nodded.

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