Chapter 4- Siblings

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                    Sexual content
Wesley’s pov

“Ah…..St…orm…faster!” I moaned as I bounced on top of my mate's hard cock. 
“Fuck Wes your ass feels so good!” Storm complimented as his thrusting sped up. 
I remembered what my mother told me, about it being against vampire laws to mate with another species especially werewolves. But I just couldn't help it. Storm’s my mate, and he’s just so fucking hot. 
So when Storm asked me out on a date, I didn’t hesitate to go. Then when we started making out. Again I didn’t hesitate to ask him to fuck me. So here I am riding Storm in a bathroom stall at Youths Burger shop. 
“I…I..I’m…coming!” I shouted as I dipped my head into the crook of Storm’s neck. 
“Ahahah!” I moaned as I came first, followed by Storm seconds after. 
“,” I stated between breaths. 
“Yeah?,” Storm panted as he held me tightly around my waist. 
“W...We have to get dressed,” Storm whispered in my ear as I rested my head on his firm chest. 
“Emhm," I mumbled before I forced myself to stand. Causing all Storm’s semen to quickly make its way out of my clenching hole and unto the bathroom floor as I slowly got up. Pulling Storm up with me.
"Need help baby?" Storm asked and I just nodded unable to speak without my voice sounding strained.
After we cleaned off ourselves and got dressed. Storm kindly walked me to my car, and kissed me goodbye before I left the parking lot.  
'Huh what a date.'
We had great food, we kissed, then we had mind blowing sex. 
'What could go wrong?'

Damn did I speak too soon. 
Because as soon as I stepped into my house, an overwhelming smell of roses and cherries hit my senses. Before I could react to the smell, the keeper of the overwhelming aroma pulled me into a tight hug against her firm chest, that I remembered resting my head in when I was younger.
Oh goddess please, not her’, I begged in my mind. 
But of course my pleas weren’t answered as the person who was now crushing me in a hug, spoke. 
“Wessy it's been forever, I missed you so much.” 
'Wow goddess, do you really love me?'
I nervously patted the girls back with a fake smile before I said. 
“Ah..hah..ha I missed you to Ambrosia,” I stated before the person pulled me back so she could look me over. 
“Look at how you’ve grown. Aiden’s going to freak when he sees how handsome you’ve got.” 
I paled. 
“A..Aiden’s coming here also?” I stuttered. 
Ambrosia looked at me like I was crazy before she nodded. 
"Of course, the schools are fixing another problem. So we're going to stay here with you, mom, and dad for a few weeks," she stated.
"Did you say weeks?" I asked as a cold shiver ran up my spine.
Ambrosia furrowed her brow.
"Is there something wrong with your hearing Wessy?" She asked, concerned.
I shook my head.
"No just making sure I heard you correctly," I stated as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.
Ambrosia stared at me for a while, searching my face for a problem. Before a wide smile broke out onto her face.
"Yeah,  it can turn into months, or even years. By then maybe we can help you find a girlfriend," she stated as she tugged my shoulder with a wink.
'Oh no goddess please don't do me this. I can't deal with this right now.'
So you might be wondering who Ambrosia and Aiden are and why I’m so terrified of them staying here. 
Well Aiden and Ambrosia are my older twin siblings. They moved away to attend human college in Canada, a few years ago after my father insisted that they did. And I was very happy they did. Now don't get me wrong I love my brother and sister to death, it's just that their just so fucking annoying pluse their always trying to send me insane by trying to get me a girlfriend.
For example, two years ago while they were visiting because of school repair as usual, there was this Asian girl named Kira who transferred to our school. She also became our neighbor as her family had moved in right next door. Kira was really nice and friendly so we became friends. Apparently my dumbass siblings thought that I had a crush on Kira. So they, being the best siblings that they were, began sending flowers and chocolates to Kira, stating that I sent them. The girl was so horrified so she told her parents. Then her parents told my parents. 
It was the most embarrassing thing I had ever faced. Because apart from the fact that my parents starved me for three days as punishment because I’m a fucking vampire so I can’t really fell pain and was grounded for a entire year. I had to apologize to Kira in front of the entire school. Causing me to become the laughing stock for my entire sophomore year. While my wonderful brother and sister laughed their ass's off. So yeah... hate me if I didn’t want them to be here at this moment. 
I was snapped out of my thought's as the front door swung open. 
I jumped before Ambrosia and I turned to see who it was. 
Oh no. 
“Yo baby bro!” Aiden yelled before he ran over to me pulling me into a tight bear hug. 
“Aiden…I..I..I can’t breath,” I stated as I gasped for air. Hearing my statement Aiden instantly released me only to take a look at me. 
“Man look how you’ve grown,” Aiden said as he wrapped his arm around me and led me to the living room. 
“Mom, dad we’re here!” Ambrosia shouted as we sat down on the sofa. 
So here I was sitting in the living room with my  family, but all that was on my mind was Storm. 
“So Wessy, found any vampire from our clan or human you like yet?” Ambrosia asked in her girly voice. 
Notice how she excludes werewolves, even if we were in a werewolf runned town.
I looked up into Ambrosia's emerald green eyes. She looked just like mom, with her long black hair. Tanned skin, full pink lips, and slim curvy figure. My sister was perfect in every way. 
“Am no not yet,” I lied. 
Of course I wasn't going to tell them that I’m in love with a fucking werewolf, or the fact that he fucked me twice. And even if I did like someone else I still wasn’t going to tell them. 

Thanks for reading and  I hope you enjoyed it. Bye stay safe🙋

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