Chapter 30- The Battle

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Third Person POV

All it took was a few minutes after the fight had already begun for bodies of the wounded and dead from both packs, but mostly from the side of the enemy were littered in heaps across the floors. And the once beautifully mowed and daily watered green lawn. Was now stained crimson while sounds of agony and howls of grief rang through the air. It was a horror seeing both sides trying to rip each other apart just so they could get the upper hand. And though it wasn't yet determined which side was winning. Storm  had faith in his pack and the witches. Who were all fighting strong. And he also knew that victory and the defeat of the enemy was the only thing on his pack members minds as they took on the enemies? Headstrong.

Storm's eyes quickly raked through the chaos and soon he spotted Tony. Who was desperately trying to fight off a huge wolf. The young alpha growled ferociously before he rushed over to the aid of the warrior. He quickly rammed into the wolf that was attacking Tony, knocking into the wolf's side. The wolf howled out in pain as he hit the floor with a loud thud. Pitiful whimpers left the thing's mouth until its body went stiff.

Storm looked over to Tony who was breathing hard as his genes rushed to patch up the huge claw marks on his side.

"Are you ok?" He asked him through their pack link.
Tony looked over at his soon to be alpha and quickly nodded his wolfy head.
"Yeah, thanks," his ragged voice said in Storm's.
"What happened?" Storm demanded as he snapped another wolf's neck.
Tony stood up on all fours with a slight hiss.

"They attacked us when we least expected it. We were just chilling and laughing at something stupid, Desmond had said. Before he cried out when an arrow shot him in the chest. And...well you know what happened next," he informed.

Storm quickly nodded his understanding before he nugged the warrior with his head.

"Are you ok to continue fighting?" 

"Yeah, I'm all healed up," he stated proudly.

Storm rolled his eyes before he spoke again.

"That's good, just don't die. Remember you have a baby on the way and a hot mate waiting for you," he stated trying to encourage the young warrior.

Tony seemed to brighten up at the mention of his unborn child. And when he swiftly killed off an oncoming wolf that was about to snap at his neck, Storm just knew that his pep talk had gotten the warrior extra determined. Causing a smile to stretch across the young alpha's face.

"You too," Tony spoke again.

Storm looked at the wolf questionly but Tony didn't continue. So Storm asked.

"Me too, what?" 

"Remember, Alpha,  that you also have a pregnant mate who's waiting for you to come and save him," Tony replied.

Storm's eyes brightened before he looked back down at the warrior and nodded firmly.

"Let's both make it back to our mates ok?" Suggested the soon to be alpha. And Tony just nodded before he sped off to help the others.

Storm smirked mentally before he released a vicious warning growl, just as a brown wolf that was a bit smaller than him. Jumped onto his back. 
Storm quickly went into an attack stance before he began to harshly shake his body from side to side. Like if he was a wet dog  off water in an attempt to get the enemy wolf off of him. And after a few more shakes the wolf finally went flying into a tree. And the young alpha didn't waste any time in snapping the thing's neck instantly. 

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