Chapter 23- Awkward conversation

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Wesley's POV

Well finally here we are. Sitting in awkward silence in Storm dad's office. Alpha Jack, his Beta, and his Delta were currently glaring deadly daggers at Mary-kay, Markus and I. While my dad and Aiden were staring at Storm, Oni and Nolan with so much hate that it could power half of China. But even with all the tension in the room I had to say that it was pretty amusing, seeing my big and powerful mate. Squirming under the steel gazes of my brother and father. 

I nervously looked up into my dad's paler than usual face before my eyes slowly moved over to Storm's father or should I say uncle. Alpha Jack was looking me up and down, allowing his icy blue eyes to linger on my clearly noticeable hug stomach. Before he looked back up at me with a hard stare but slightly concerned. filled eyes.

I inwardly released a frustrated sigh, as the silence was beginning to tick me off. And just when I thought I was going to go off on these people. My dare friend spoke although I wished he hadn't.
"Well this is awkward," Markus mused to bring a small smile to my face as all eyes landed on him.

My head snapped back to Aiden when I heard him scoff loudly.
"I'll say," he coldly commented with not a hint of humor. And since the  silence was lifted I decided to take a chance and talk.
"Guys," I began and jumped when everyone in the room's head snapped to me at the exact same time.

'Scary as fuck, geez.'

"I know that you're all angry but we have bigger things to worry about here," I finished with a soft but firm voice and Storm laced his fingers with mine. Calming my racing heart a bit.
Aiden scoffed again.
"Angry isn't even half of what I feel right now Wes," he said, causing me to hang my head in shame.
"But you're right about one thing, we do have more important things to worry about. Then your relations with the werewolf," he finished and dad nodded in agreement.
"One of them being where you guys have been for the last four months?" Dad asked, causing me to stiffen only to relax when Storm gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"Well that's a long Storm," Storm began. Before he informed my dad, his dad, Aiden and the other two men about the fact that we were kidnapped by Alpha Killian. And about how we nearly had our mating bond broken. And the fact that Alpha Killian's pack had allied themselves with the witches and one of those witches nearly killed our children. Also he told them about the  Coven of Supernatural Order, what we've learned from them and of Yuan's betrayal.

The men all took in the information given to  them and judged from their faces. They were pretty shaken up from the news.

"That's a lot to take in," stated Aiden and the other men nodded and voiced their agreement.

""Yeah it was, so what do we do now dad?" I asked hopefully. My dad thought about it for a moment before he sighed as he raked a hand through his hair.

"Nothing," he breathed.

"WHAT?!" My friends and I asked in unison.

"Did getting kidnapped make your hearing go bad? I said nothing," dad sased and I looked up at him confused.
"Master Newell's right," Alpha Jack stated for the first time.

"What do you mean dad?" My mate asked as he held my hand tighter.
"There is nothing we can do but double border control, train our soldiers here and wait for my brother," he began and the two men who I did not know agreed.

"So I'll have Tony double the guards at the border. While also trying to think of another plan with Master Newell. None of you are in any shape to fight so we will need you to be rested and trained except you," he said with a point to me before he continued.

"Neal, I need you to gather up as many of our warriors and hunters as you can get and any uninsured person who wants to fight."

The man who reminded me so much of Nolan nodded.

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