Chapter 13- Caught

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A:/NAbove is the size of Wesley's stomach now. I don't own that picture:)

Wesley's POV

Waking up didn't feel good at all, I felt drowsy and sick to my pregnant stomach. And it didn't help that, I had one hell of a headache or the fact that whatever bitches were inside of me were hurting like crazy. I didn't mean to sound like a whinny girl, but I felt fucking awful.

I grimaced as I slowly opened my heavy eyes, only to be greeted by darkness. At first I thought that I had gone blind, and began to panic. But I soon realized that I was just blindfolded. 

I inched my hand's to reach up and rip the darn thing off, that was preventing me from inspecting my surroundings. But instead a wince flew past my lips as I realized that my hand's were restrained uncomfortably above my head. And my pull on them only caused the restraints, that I guessed was made of low levels of silver from the thingling I felt, to dig into my skin.

I allowed myself to slump back into the hard bed that I was laid on. A shiver ran through me as the draft in the room passed over my exposed flesh.
I frustratedly tugged on the restrain, only causing the cuffs to dig deeper into my skin, allowing a watery liquid to run down my wrist.
I silently laughed, as I imagined Markus and Mary-kay saying something obnoxious and rude like.

'What are you doing asshole? Don't you realize that you can't move?'

My smile instantly faded into a frown, as it hit me.

'Where were my friends?'

I couldn't feel them, nor could I feel or sense my Storm. 
My mind was filled with worry, fear and concern as I thought. 

'Where was Storm.'
"Goddess where was I?'

I was snapped out of my thought as the sound of a steel door being opened, echoed throughout whatever room I was in.
I lowered my head and closed my eyes, for a better listen. As the sound of someone's steel toe boots, banging against the floor. The person then stopped a few feet in front of me, (I guessed.) Before the person spoke.

"Oh I see you're up?" Came a deep manly voice. Causing me to snap my head to the right in the voice's direction..
"Shame," the voice teased.
"I hoped you'd have slept through the entire procedure."
I furrowed my brows. 
'What proceder. Where was I? Why was I here? And where was Storm, and my friends? 
All those thoughts ran through my mind before the man spoke again.

"Oh well," he breathed. Before I heard the sound of his heavy boots getting closer.
After a while of keys clinging and iron moving, I was blinded by bright lights. As the blindfold was roughly tugged off of my face.

It took me a while to get adjusted to being able to see again. Before I glared up at the fuzzy figure before me. The figure soon turned into a tall, medium built guy. He had the frame to hunt, and a form to kill. Making anyone who looked into his cold brown eyes wet their pants, or cower away. All except me who saw this guy as nothing but a bug beneath my shoes. So I just bare my fangs at him and growled low in my throat.
The guy looked unfazed by my anger towards him, as he smirked.
"Damn, Not even your bitch of a mate, or your friends were as angry as you. But don't worry I love 'em feisty," he commented before he ran his tongue over his lips.
I just flinched at the mention of Storm and my friends before my glare harded and I growled louder.
"Stop teasing him Seth. Before Vic gets upset about you distressing the test subject," a woman's voice scolded Seth before she appeared in front of the bed that I was laying on.
I scowled up at them.
Seth frowned before he turned around to face the strawberry blonde woman that walked in.
"I'm just having my fun Meshia, because like come on he's a fucking hot son of a bitch," Seth stated gesturing towards me with a serious face.
Meshia stared at me for a second, as if contemplating if I was handsome or not. Before she looked away, folding her arms across her chest as she glared at a now pouting Seth.
"Yes Seth, as much as I and you think that he looks sexy. We still have orders to follow. So suck it up and get the pregnant bitch up," Meshia stated, causing me to stare at her and Seth confused.
'What are their orders? What are they going to do to me?' I asked myself as Seth uncuffed me allowing my free hands that were originally restrained to a post above my head, to fall at my side.
I wanted to fight him, but I was to tired. So instead I just allowed him to unrestrain me, while I took a chance to look at my surroundings. 
The room that I was in was completely empty and dusty, the only thing in it being the small bed that I was on, the pole at the head of it and us.
I whimpered as I was harsly pulled off of the highish bed. Causing me to stumble forward and nearly fall on my face, only to be caught around the waist by Seth.
I glared up at the guy and tried to pull away from him, but he just held me tighter.
"He can't walk. He's drugged too heavily," Seth explained as he turned to Meshia with me still in his arms.
She thought about it for a moment before she sighed.
"Can you carry him?"
Seth nodded once, before he picked me up bridal style and Meshia led us out of the empty, dim, dirty room.

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