Chapter Twenty Six

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Mikan's Pov:

"Thank you for the ride Mister." I said while getting out of the taxi. "Your welcome Ms. Tsumiki." "See you around." He then gave me a small smile and drove off. I watched as the car faded from view. I took a deep breath and turned towards my house.

 I took a deep breath and turned towards my house

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*the house

I walked up to the front door and knocked three times. The door opened and I saw my mother. "H-Hi mom." I said nervously. "Tch." "Just get inside ya slut." She said in a sour voice. I quickly walked inside and went inside the living room.

*the living room

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*the living room

I sat on the couch and started to unpack my stuff. "Take your junk upstairs." "I don't want it down here." My mom said. Once everything was unpack I quickly grabbed my stuff and went up to my room.

*her room

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*her room

I put all my medical stuff in my closet and started to change into my pajamas. Once I changed, I laid on my bed and staired at the ceiling. The gift from Hiyoko was downstairs on the kitchen tabel. My diary was on the dresser. Everything else was left at the school. Even though I'd have to deal with my mother, I was glad to have a break from school. The work became exhausting once you keep doing it day after day. Not saying I don't like school, but the work just gets really tiring. "Hey!" "Didn't I tell you to take your junk upstairs?!" My mom said while storming into my room. "Y-yeah." "Why what's wrong?" I said really confused. "Come get this present off my kitchen table!" My mom yelled. She stomped out of my room and went inside her room slamming the door behind her. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed the gift and walked back upstairs and to my room. I shut the door and put the gift under my bed. I was still very curious as to what was inside the box. But I decided to open it on Christmas. Since it seemed like the perfect day to open it. I was still wondering if I should give Hiyoko a second chance. I still care about her. But just don't want her to use me again. I don't want to be an idiot in love again. I was so blindsided by love last time that I didn't see the type of person she really was. I've noticed that she's being nicer to people, but she could just be fooling me and everyone else. And sure, she got me a gift, but there could always be nothing inside. I'm not concerned about the gift though. What I'm concerned about is what she's gonna do once I do let her restore our friendship. 'Has she really changed, or is this all a trick?' I asked myself. All of the thoughts running through my head made me tired. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

*time skip to december 24th

I was downstairs with my mom. She was putting the Christmas tree up because dad was coming over and she wanted the house to look nice for him. I really didn't want him to come over. Even though it was just for a few hours, I couldn't stand him. He's a monster. At least to me he is. "Start making dinner for me and your father." "Its 5:30pm now." "So it better be done by 7:00pm." "Got it?" I hated when she bossed me around. I can't wait until I turn eighteen so I can finally leave her and dad for good. "Y-Yes mom." I said while walking to the kitchen. I was going to make spaghetti. So pulled the noodles and sauce out of the cabinet. I then grabbed a big pot and put some water inside. I put the pot on the stove and turned the fire on. I let the water boil while I was waiting. Soon, it was 7:00pm. And I was finished making dinner. I made three plates and put them on the table. "Mom, the foods ready." I said. My mom got up from the couch and sat down in front of her plate. I sat down and began to eat. "You shouldn't be here." "You know what your father might do to you." Those words made my body turn cold and my hands shake. "M-Mom, not now ok." "I'm trying to eat." I choked out. I knew my mother said it to make me like this. She enjoyed seeing me suffer. "Come on Mikan don't be like that." "Your father love's you." She said with a smile that looked evil. "ENOUGH!" "SHUT UP AND EAT YOUR GOD DAMN FOOD YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled. My eyes went wide as soon as those words came out of my mouth. I've never yelled at my mother before. So I was really surprised with myself. My mom jumped up and stomped towards me. "DON'T TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT!" she punched me in the nose and pushed me on the floor. Usually I would cower in fear like I did when I was younger. But I was older now. And I was sick of her. I got straight up and punched her in the eye. I pushed her to the ground and started to kick her repeatedly in the side. I knew she couldn't get up because she was in a lot of pain. I then picked her up by the collar of her shirt and punched her in the nose. I pulled her hair and dragged her towards the front door. I opened the door and threw her on the sidewalk. "LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK YOU DISGUSTING SLUT!" I yelled. I slammed the door shut and peaked out the window. My mom was still on the ground. It looked like she was crying. I was happy about that. She finally knew how I felt when she used to beat me. My dad's car pulled up and he walked out. He ran towards my mom and started to coddle her. I went up to the door again and locked it. I went up to my room and shut my door. I heard banging on the front door, but I obviously didn't open it. Soon the banging stopped and I heard my dad's car pull away from the drive way. After a few minutes passed, I wanted to see if my nose was okay. I so I went into the bathroom and face the mirror. My nose was still bleeding and there was a scratch. But it wasn't broken. I grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off my nose. I checked the cabinets for any bandaids and I found one. I put the bandaid on my nose gently and walked out of the bathroom. I walked downstairs and saw that my food was still on the table. I sat back down and started to eat again. This time, there was no negative energy in the room. Or where ever I walked. It was peaceful and calm. When I finished eating I dumped my mother's plate in the garbage and walked towards the window. My mom wasn't near the front door anymore. I checked all of the windows and she wasn't anywhere to be found. I was finally happy that my mother was gone.

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